Is it weird that I dont feel pregnant I'm 20 weeks
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Nope, I'm almost 25weeks & don't feel any different lol I forget I am most of the time
I didn't feel really pregnant until I felt baby move. I didn't have any symptoms like morning sickness or aches or anything. I felt fine right up till I had my baby, if it wasn't for the big bump and frequent kicks, I would not have said I was pregnant. If your scans show baby is OK then just try not to be too smug around any pregnant friends who are throwing up constantly or struggling with hip or back pain 😉
I did get gestational diabetes though, so although I felt great, I couldn't eat cake 😊
Yep same for me. I’m 32 weeks and keep forgetting i’m pregnant every morning. I’ve not slowed down on anything really yet and just carrying on with things like normal. It was the wierdest thing seeing baby moving at 20w scan but not being able to feel it. Don’t worry it will come eventually then later will boot you where it hurts (ribs/cervix etc) just as you are trying to sleep 🤣
Obviously my scan is today but I cant make it as I caught my daughter sickness bug will they rearrange