Hi ladies...to those who have had csections have you had any uncomfortableness 8 months after? I keep getting like a dull ache/ burning sensation as if my knickknacks are too tight sinking in in my hip but they’re not but that’s the sensation like something digging into me almost feels likes a cut I can’t see. Hard to explain just a dull ache annoying sensation near to my right hip? Going to see my go but just wondered if anyone had experience post csection? Thk you
C-section worries: Hi ladies...to those... - Pregnancy and Par...
C-section worries
Hi Destiny121, I had an emergency c-section 5 years ago and even now I get the occasional twinge if I twist or turn quickly. It’s never been enough to bother me so I’ve just assumed it’s internal scar tissue. 8 months is still quite early on so perhaps things are still settling down. I think going to your GP or speaking to your health visitor is good idea though x
I had c section 8 months ago, I was still getting different sensations upto 10-12 weeks. But just recently, I have had a few different feelings a bit like a a sharp stabbing pain. x
Yes it’s odd so hard to deacribe... May I ask where do you get the stabbing pain... I’m also getting awful lower back pain too😬😬
Yea it’s really hard to explain, I’ve only had it 2-3 times. Omg my lower back, every night in bed, I wake up around 3/4 and can’t move my back, takes me ages too then get comfy, as soon as I start too move, it’s okay then though. Did you have spinal or epidural? x
Ohh gosh it’s awful... my mother in law said that I would get back pain as it suppose to be quite common with c-sects. Ohh I don’t know if it was spinal or epidural all I know is they put a big need in the bottom of my back... it was a planned csection not sure if that makes difference whether you have spinal or epidural. Also... maybe tmi... but my digestive track seems to a bit strange too so not sure if that’s all coincidental or not... have you seen anyone regarding your back pain... also I don’t think it helps holding a growing baby all the time too 😂
When do you get a bad back? Mine is just purely of a night time, it’s from bra strap down too top of bum and goes round the hips aswell.
So uncomfortable, I know you get problems when have epidural.
Mine was planned and had spinal block, but you don’t get as many problems with spinal.
I haven’t seen gp about lower back pain, let me know what they say too you about it? x
I had an emergency c section two years ago and it was quite traumatic and aggressive
I still get aches and pains now so I would say it’s normal. Any worries you have just go to the GP. We can’t confirm it’s not anything bad☺️
It is 6 years since my last c section and I still sometimes feel a pull or like a shooting pain. I think its just one of those things unfortunately hun x
I haven’t had a c section but had surgery in the same area a few years ago that left me with a scar in the same place. I had pain at one end of the scar, felt like a knife was blade up cutting me from the inside. I got myself referred back to the consultant and he said the scar tissue could have caused the nerves in that area to become overly sensitised. I had a cortisone injection at the scar site and that solved it. REALLY uncomfortable before that.
Tbh mine has been playing me up but I think it's the change in weather. I found it hurt more when it was really hot and now when it's getting colder. Other than that it feels okay. Have you been to your doctor to get it checked out?