Hi, just the above really! I’m 26 weeks and just seen my consultant for the first time. He says the hospital induce all IVF pregnancies at 40 weeks (if you have not naturally gone into labour by then). Suddenly very worried by this as I wanted a water birth and I feel like the birth is going to be out of my control. (Will just have to hope baby arrives naturally before this). Has anyone else been told this from their consultant for their IVF pregnancy? Or have you been induced and didn’t need a C Section? The reason I ask is that most people I know that have been induced had to have a C section. I’d like to avoid this if at all possible! Although I know I might not have a choice. Thanks
IVF -Being induced at 40 weeks - Pregnancy and Par...
IVF -Being induced at 40 weeks

Been induced twice and both times had a normal vaginal delivery, after my first I thought being induced slowed the whole process down as i didn’t progress that quickly, but I had my second within a few hours, two pushes and he was out, was only in established labour for 8 minutes 😂😂 xxxxxxxx
I was induced but not because of IVF, and I didn't have a c-section.
I had the pessary first to ripen my cervix and when that didn't trigger labour I had my waters broken and the oxytocin drip to start contractions.
The only thing I'd advise is that if you have the drip to ask for an epidural straight away as you may have painful contractions for a while before are dilated enough to push. I ended up sleeping for a couple of hours which was great or I don't think I'd have had the energy to push.
Although it wasn't how I wanted my labour to go, I read a lot about inductions so I still felt that I had a good level of control overall.
Some places I've heard of still let you have the water birth if you only have the pessary but not if you have to have the drip, so maybe your hospital might be able to offer this.
Hope all goes well for you
Hi there. I’m an ivf mummy, was told I would be induced at 40weeks. Told consultant I wasn’t happy about that..... as I was the same as any other pregnant woman. Consultant said she was happy for me to go to 41weeks as I was fortunate enough to have an uncomplicated pregnancy (which was heavily monitored with lots of scans) so went to 40plus1 and then got induced and delivered vaginally. So it doesn’t necessarily mean a c-section. I also wanted a water birth but I couldn’t have one for other reasons but there’s no reason why you can’t have one or plan for one and then go with the flow on the day 🤷🏼♀️ Consultants will air on the side of caution with ivf babies, listen to them but also do what feels right for u too, you know your body. I started with contractions at 40plus3 (with the help of 2 sweeps) and going into labour naturally felt like he was a bit more ready to come out. Sorry for the long babble. Xxxx
I should add even though I had contractions (early labour) I still needed to be induced at 40plus1 to get things going quicker as the contractions were irregular and didn’t progress enough. But I felt my body was ready for it. Also you can book your induction date and change your mind to a later date if u want. If my pregnancy had been a bit more complicated like my friends ivf pregnancy (induced at 37 weeks) I would listen to the consultant. Go with your gut. All the best and the main thing is meeting your little bundle of joy at the end! Xxx
I am an IVF mum, and had a few issues during pregnancy (gestational diabetes, palpitations, morning sickness until week 34). I was monitored closely and baby was fine and throughout my pregnancy my blood pressure was fine.
Because I was an IVF mum, my consultant insisted on me getting induced 5 days before my due date. I was in hospital for 5 days of induction and tried everything from a balloon catheter, pessaries, sweeps, trying (failing) to break waters, oxytocin drip, diamorphine, epidural (1st didnt work, 2nd broke, 3rd worked!!), then told to push... but nothing happened (my waters broke themselves and I was 9 cm dilated when I ended up being told on her due date that she was actually back to back and her head was stuck in my pelvis. Ended up having a spinal and emergency c section. She was born absolutely fine and I was fine too. No issues since (touch wood) and the c section recovery was nowhere near as bad as expected.
I was initially gutted to be told they wanted to induce me early. I'd planned for a water birth, all natural, no drugs, and even paid for hypnobirthing classes. In the end, I went with the flow, tried to use my hypnobirthing to cope with all the stuff going on, and above all stay calm and relaxed. The epidural didnt hurt, the oxytocin drip wasn't pleasant so I had drugs, the c section was much less scary than expected and in the end I held my long awaited healthy baby in my arms.
I'm now pregnant second time around (only 6 weeks) and all being well, I'd still ask for a natural birth but am putting much less pressure on myself this time. I dont want to feel like a failure if it isnt a "natural" birth, I just want to enjoy my baby. I will stand up to the doctors more and request I'm atleast allowed to try for a natural first, and not be induced early, like last time. However, I trust their judgement and that's what I'll go with in the end. Being an IVF Mum, you'll know how that feels with your doctors and how much effort you've already put in. Whatever you end up doing/having, try to stay calm and don't beat yourself up if it doesnt go as planned because they rarely do! Hope you get your water birth!
Best of luck xx
Its your baby and your body and to don’t have to be induced if you don’t want to be x
Hello I’m following your thread as I’m also due to be induced at 37weeks with IVF twins. It reassuring to hear not all inductions end in c-section. X
Hi, I’m in the same situation as you.. only just under 13 weeks and not seen the Consultant yet, but the midwife has referred me due to this being an IVF pregnancy and has already told me they won’t let me go over my due date so I’ll be induced at 40 weeks. I wanted to give birth on a midwife led unit and have always felt that I would need to be in water to be able to cope with birth. Also pretty terrified about the whole process, needles, hospitals etc (yes despite the IVF!) which isn’t helping my fear about what’s going to happen. I really don’t know whether to question it and push for something different or if that’d be stupid and putting my baby at risk. I know my husband will want me to just do what they say, but I think it’s really important for me to have a birth plan I feel like I would actually have a chance of coping with. Think I might just have to see how the rest of my pregnancy goes and if it’s problem- free then push for it nearer the end.
Did you ask your Consultant why they induce you at term/ what evidence they are basing this on? Did they seem open to letting you do something different or was it pretty set in stone that what they say goes?
Sorry you’re in this situation too 😞 xx
I had IVF but wasn’t induced, went 10 days over x