Anti vaccination irritation! - Pregnancy and Par...

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Anti vaccination irritation!

Kitcat12 profile image
25 Replies

It's flu jab season and my social media is just covered in utter nonsense from anti vax people, it honestly baffles me. I see so much rubbish about vaccinations being dangerous, quoting all sorts of American info that is just not applicable to us here in the UK, 'sources' of 'research' just totally unreliable. Irritating!!

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Kitcat12 profile image
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25 Replies
Dreamingofbaby profile image

Agreed. It is needed and does so much good. I got one this year as pregnant. Would rather not risk getting flu ☺️👍

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Dreamingofbaby

Me too! I'm all for respecting other people and their beliefs/opinions but when they are based on nonsense and the consequences of actions based on those beliefs could directly affect the health of my child, it really makes me angry. Just needed a good rant!

Lowamh profile image
Lowamh in reply to Kitcat12

I agree, they listen to these influencers on social spreading dangerous misinformation about vaccines. There’s a new advert out to try and combat it, the one that says you might recover from flu but your elderly grandparent might not be so lucky x

Stephybivf profile image

Tell me about it! I’m a nurse and convincing people that the flu jab does not give you the bloody flu is just one issue with vaccines! Don’t get me started on the irresponsible reporting/fake news that vaccines do more harm than good!! X

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Stephybivf

How do you keep your cool? Must be incredibly frustrating x

Stephybivf profile image
Stephybivf in reply to Kitcat12

I bite my tongue and try and educate them with actual evidence based literature not dr google 🤪🤪🤪

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Stephybivf

Well you're far more patient than I would be! 😂

Sarah_37 profile image

Totally agree! People believe so much rubbish xx

Baypony profile image

It’s a massive shame that some people are so heavily influenced by social media rather than properly qualified medical professionals. I’m pretty sure if they/their child gets ill they’ll be straight to the Dr then and not asking how to cure whatever they have on social media 🙄 I’m pro vaccination (as you can probably tell), but i’ve only just been able to have the whooping cough one now (as i’m pregnant) as when I was a child the vaccine was egg based, and i’m allergic to eggs. My surgery has told me I now can’t have the flu one for the same reason. It’s so frustrating!

Cheekymonkey85 profile image

I think people need to respect the decisions of other people regardless of beliefs and how they are founded. There's lots none of us understand about vaccines from both sides of the argument, and all any of us are trying to do is the best by our own children no matter what that might be

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Cheekymonkey85

All for respecting people's decisions, I don't really care if others choose not to vaccinate their children, that is their choice. It just irritates me when people share 'articles' on social media that are spouting utter nonsense and don't come from a reputable source. It's scaremongering and unnecessary! Really gets me going!

Cheekymonkey85 profile image
Cheekymonkey85 in reply to Kitcat12

To be honest people share stuff like that all the time whether it be politics or Brexit etc There's always scaremongering that goes on with any subject. I just hide or delete those who seem to have strong opinions and force on me. No time for it either as it is highly annoying x

Bexta6060 profile image

We may not understand everything about vaccines but the experts that have spent years and years learning and researching them do. Why do people feel the need to argue with something they know nothing about? I dont argue with my mechanic if he says my oil needs changing. I dont argue with my builder if he says he needs to build something in a certain way to ensure safety. Its baffling.

Cheekymonkey85 profile image
Cheekymonkey85 in reply to Bexta6060

Big organisations, like it or not can be extremely untrustworthy. I'm not saying it's my view point, but how can we ever be 100% sure that we are being presented with all the evidence. Pharmaceutical companies are profiting hugely from vaccines, and all other medications. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that some medications are being pushed on people & GPs get bonuses for prescribing- statins being one in the new more recently. GPs also get bonuses for giving vaccinations.

When money is involved it's hard to see if people do have your best interests at heart. Like I said, not my view, just a side to the argument.

As for your analogy about mechanics & builders, I'd rethink that one as there are plenty of cowboys around that are happy to rip you off.

Bexta6060 profile image
Bexta6060 in reply to Cheekymonkey85

I shall let my doctor mate know that she should be getting bonuses for vaccinations 😂 she'll be delighted

Cheekymonkey85 profile image
Cheekymonkey85 in reply to Bexta6060

It's true, our health visitor told us that's the reason they don't give them any more (it used to be hv that administered them) but they weren't getting the money for it- they gp surgery was. It's not a secret.

Stephybivf profile image
Stephybivf in reply to Cheekymonkey85

This happens with the majority of services in community, they are commissioned to provide certain services by the local clinical commissioning group. As GPs are mainly self employed, this is their business so instead of the money going to the CCGs it goes to them.

As part of an incentive to provide high quality care to patients , yes GPs get extra payment for putting patients on statins for example however these patients are generally at high risk of cardiovascular events and this rewards good practice. There’s a bigger picture- It’s not as simple as GPs getting paid for putting patients on certain medications and giving people vaccines (that have actually irradiated several deadly diseases in this country!)

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Stephybivf

Very well explained 👏🏻👏🏻x

Cheekymonkey85 profile image
Cheekymonkey85 in reply to Stephybivf

That's fair enough. Thanks for confirming that I didn't pluck that information from some conspiracy theory website and they do get paid regardless of the reason. I'm not against vaccines, just trying to see things from a different view point. Vaccines are a huge deal what ever side of the argument your on x

Sprinkles86 profile image

I’m a believer that everyone is entitled to their view and obviously to make decisions for themselves and their family, but it’s when you see them trying to force those views on others that I don’t agree with, or where opinions are presented as facts 🙄 x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Sprinkles86

Exactly this!! ❤️

mrsflynn00741 profile image

We have many many "properly qualified medical professionals" stating that vaccines aren't as safe as the manufacturers say they are so I would rather look into it myself. Most Dr's and nurses don't do much studying into vaccines, their ingredients, the studies that have been done and who's been paid to do said studies. We now know that the old Polio vaccine has caused a breakout of vaccine strain Polio, we know that not one single vaccine has ever been through a real scientific, double blind placebo study (the gold standard of scientific testing) and we know that the ingredients in them at the levels they are, are toxic and can cause all sorts of issues and just by putting multiple vaccines in a different arm won't actually stop them interacting. We know that Polysorbate 80 breaks through the blood brain barrier thus carrying through the aluminium, mercury, formaldehyde and many others. We know that mice injected with aluminium, when studied have a brain similar to autistic people and we know that when studies have been done on the brains of autistic people they have ridiculously high amounts of aluminium. We know that the type of Mercury still used in some vaccines gets stored in the brain and not flushed out like previously thought. We know that people have been paralysed from the flu shot, we know that for each flu shot you get the actual protection gets less and less so if a major pandemic hit us, anyone who had had the previous seasons shot would be less protected against the flu than someone who had never had it. We know that in America they have paid out over 4 billion dollars in injuries and that because the reporting system isnt really known about and even when it is known of, most people don't know how to use it, a study done stated that reporting was as low as 1-10% of actual injury. We also know that Andrew Wakefields Co author was completely acquitted of any wrong doing in 2012 and told that the study they did shouldn't have been called into question because they did not say the MMR causes autism and they did not commit any fraud. There is so much more out there for people willing to look and not just take the word of the manufacturer or their Dr, who got told off their lecturers, who got told from the government, who got told off the manufacturers. One very simple way to settle whether people are healthier with vaccines than without would be to do a vaxxed versus unvaxxed study but they won't do it. From what I have learnt and still learning I feel completely confident in not vaccinating.

I know there will likely be a lot of backlash from my response and that is fine. We all do our own research and we all decide for ourselves and our families so each to their own.

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to mrsflynn00741

I suppose it comes down to what you accept as a credible source of information. I will not try to argue with any of the points you've made, as it won't make the slightest bit of difference to your opinion about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations. Until a credible source of information is presented to me via a study from a reputable source, that proves that vaccines are dangerous I will continue to vaccinate myself and my baby.

mrsflynn00741 profile image
mrsflynn00741 in reply to Kitcat12

Read the inserts, look at the cdc website. Everything I have mentioned can be confirmed from reputable sources but if you're not going to look and you're just going to wait until it finds you then no you won't change. Why would you inject toxins into your baby without you going and looking? Why would you wait until someone presents it to you? I have just presented you with information and instead of saying OK I will look into this and see if it's true, you just say I'll wait for more. This is why people don't find the truth because they only accept what is presented to them and don't search themselves. If I made money from selling goods would you automatically believe me when I said the goods were safe? If I couldn't be held liable for said goods killing or injuring you or your kids would you take that risk? The MMR that I received in England was know to cause meningitis but the government just changed the name when they got it from Canada and gave it to thousands of British kids. When it caused more cases of meningitis they just shipped it off to Brazil and other developing countries so we know they lie for profit from vaccines, we know they will willingly risk children's lives to make money from vaccines but now suddenly they won't. I will keep digging and keep searching and if one day they do real inert placebo safety testing and more than 4 days of testing,if they do a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study and if they stop name calling and actually answer all of the critics without saying we're all going to die from measles, if after really tests they show that vaccines a re safe and efficacious then I would vaccinate. Until this happens, I will look, I will search and I will decide based on all of the evidence we have available.

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to mrsflynn00741

🙄 Firstly, where did I say that I haven't done my own reading? The CDC is an American government agency and therefore any information available on their website is 100% irrelevant. Vaccinations in the uk are not regulated by the CDC so why on earth would I read their website. I have read throughly and extensively on the MHRA website (the body that actually regulates our UK vaccinations) so please do not assume that I am ignorant. I take mine and my babies health incredibly seriously. You and I clearly have different opinions about what constitutes a reputable source. Yes you presented me with some information that I am sure you whole heartedly think is legitimate and relevant. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one I think.

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