So I just did a pregnancy test with bleach as it's supposed to foam up when in contact with hcg but did a pregnancy test too?? Confused as bleach is showing positive and pregnancy test is negative help!!!
Did bleach test for pregnancy - Pregnancy and Par...
Did bleach test for pregnancy

Stay away from crazy home made pregnancy tests they're are full of chemicals and not reliable hcg says negative then it's negative. Maybe wait a couple days and do hcg again x
So you'd trust some hocus pocus non scientific test over a specific test made for pregnancy?
I'm not trusting anything. I'm just lookin for some hope as im ttc and I can't seem to fall on 😭
If I was you Hun wait a few more days as I don’t know if you’ve missed your period yet and if you can get a early first response and use your first urine of the morning! I’ve seen all these home made pregnancy testing with chemicals and powders etc but your best bet is the actual tests as the other things will only play mind games. All the best for you xx
It’s not hocus pocus, it’s a chemical reaction. Both tests are chemical reactions
Sure urine has several components that can react with bleach and make it foam... HCG pregnancy tests work based on immunoglobulins which by all intents is a biochemical reaction.
Lots of chemical reactions occuring however doesn't mean it's a valid pregnancy test... So yes as a valid pregnancy test it is hocus pocus, unless you can show any scientific proof for said chemical reaction.
Don’t set yourself up for disappointment, I think you know the answer already.
Are you for real?! Believe the test not the bleach!!
As a kid I used to wee on bleach in the toilet just to watch it foam up lol. I've never heard of it being used to tell if you're pregnant.
Don't get disappointed yet
Have a real pregnancy test after some days
I did a home pregnancy test and it showed negative and five days later I went to the hospital and did a blood test and it was positive
Blood tests are the most reliable
Lol... deadly! I’m like you I would try that sort of stuff purely because of wanting that positive so bad. Hope you get a positive soon!! Fingers crossed for ya!! X
Your test looks negative to me. The bleach reacts with proteins in your urine from the fetus, not from hcg. It will act like soda pop if positive, and like flat soda if negative. When stirred it will have a head on it like beer. But non-pregnant urine reacts with bleach in a different way...sometimes more foam and even spilling over the edge. But non-pregnant urine won't fizz like soda.
By proteins, I meant proteins like alpha fetoprotein made in the fetus' liver which goes into the blood and then into the mother's blood and eventually into the mother's urine. This won't happen until 2nd trimester. So bleach/urine test is probably only for mid/late pregnancy. Until then you are just making mustard gas (toxic).
Hi, can I ask what your outcome was to this ? Was you pregnant or was it false x
To much bleach maybe??
I wouldnt trust bleach test. Trust the real pregnancy test.