I’ have a irregular period and I feel like I am pregnant but I don’t want to get my hopes up if it’s impossible ....
Can you still get pregnant with a irr... - Pregnancy and Par...
Can you still get pregnant with a irregular period ??
Women with irregular periods can absolutely still get pregnant, it just may take a little longer. Do you know why your periods are irregular?
I did i have irregular periods took me 5 years tc tho xx
How long were your irregular periods
Most my life. I had my daughter when I was 17 and they started going funny after that im now 30 and still suffering with them x
So how did you find out you were pregnant ? Did you have negative pregnancy test & stuff ? How far long were you ?
I ended up going for a scan to see if I had pcos and thats when I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. ... every month I would test and it would drive me mad every time I got a negative.... go back to your gp and get them to refer you to a gynaecologist see if they can get to the bottom of your irregular periods xx
Yes you can