Two and half years old and still sucking his thumb.
any idea on how to make him stop.
Two and half years old and still sucking his thumb.
any idea on how to make him stop.
Why? They’ll grow out by the time they reach school age at 5. Its pretty harmless at 2 1/2 xx
It's not harmless it can cause speech delays.
Thumb sucking?? Speech delay isn’t caused by sucking your thumb!! My sister works in peadatrics and just laughed when I told her your suggestion, sorry 😐
I should add she did say it could only cause speech problems if the child was still sucking thumb well beyond 3- by then most kids stop , especially by 5- as I originally said. No mum should be stressing out over a 2 and a half year old sucking thumb!
Well beyond 3, so 6 months away! It can cause speech delays I work with children too. Perhaps your sister should get more clued up before laughing at people, as she clearly has no idea. Long term thumb sucking which is what will happen if it isn't stopped can cause speech problems and delays! Instead of being rude perhaps do a bit of research!
He will grow out of it. And it doesn't cause speech problems
Maybe do a bit of research!
Well my speech therapist husband says he clearly needs to brush up. Which medical journal do you recommend?
These are just a few. So yes perhaps your speech therapist husband should brush up, he could be helping a child who sucks it's thumb. I hope he knows the impact sucking on a dummy can do as well!