My 18 day old baby cry’s every time she poos, and is very uncomfortable, I don’t know what to do or what I can try. I’ve tried doing bicycle movement with her legs, massaging her bottom, making making sure to burp her but nothing works. I don’t know whether this is normal either or whether it’ll pass.
Newborn uncomfortable to poo - Pregnancy and Par...
Newborn uncomfortable to poo

Try a bit of baby massage. Basically rub your warm hand (with a drop of oil) in clockwise motions on your baby's tummy. Have a look on YouTube for a video demo.
Is your baby breast or bottle fed? If bottle, give the baby a bit of cooled boiled water.
My baby always struggled with wind. My husband would sort of squash the baby's legs up to his torso.
Also gripe water can really help as well x
Might be worth looking at what’s in your diet that you eat regularly that might not agree with baby; immediate thoughts were about dairy/lactose which maybe your little one’s tummy is reacting to??
Also, be cautious regarding the cooled boiled water as this isn’t recommended for babies under 6 months. As a breastfed baby your little one will be getting all the fluids they need from you and when my other half and I read up about offering our new born water during the recent heatwave we read that it can cause problems with the kidneys.

Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Thank you for telling me that as I’ve been advised to give warm water by many women. So I’ll defo be cautious and most likely won’t give dd water till she’s 6months. Yh I think it could be something todo with my diet, now it’s just finding what it could be.
my lb was the same and my hv and gp diagnosed him being lactose intolerance.... his poop was coming out dark green and he was proper struggling to go. he has to have colief drops in his milk now and he is doing great.....he is 6 months old now so slow weanibg him off the drops. I would recommend speaking to your hv or gp hope you get is sorted soon xxx

Thank you so much xx

Just jumping in on this post. My LG was the same, struggling and dark green poos. She is on SMA prem gold formula (premature baby) so the doctor seemed to think it could be that and has prescribe carobel powder to add to her formula to thicken it up. It’s def helped as she now has the korma poo’s she was meant too. However I’ve noticed she is still uncomfortable (making all the noise before she trumps haha) considering trying colief drops along side the thickening powder. Would you say they really helped? Thanks
yer they did really help him he has been on them since he was a month/2month old.... he has had days where he went back to struggling but I just put an extra drop in. he is still on them now but Im weaning him off then he only has 2 drops every bottle..... its worth asking your gp or hv about them and see what they say as I dont want to say get them and they make your baby worse so definitely ask xx

Possibly another trip to the GP🙈 feel like I’ve been there loads lately but needs must right! Can the HV prescribe them? x
no she cant but she can advise you on what to do..... ive was back and forth with my lb till I knew what was right for him.... I would defo recommend them but speak to your gp first as they migh go against them xx
Hi lovely. Congratulations on your baby!! It's heartbreaking is t it but (I guess thankfully??) It's pretty normal. They're digestion etc is still really immature and they're getting used to it. My boy is 19 weeks and still cries at the occasional trump! It's been hard work with him and his poos but we've all just got to ride it out. It's so sad but there's nothing we can do to speed up development. With my boy he started pooing every 3 or 4 days which made it even worse (totally normal for EBF babies in told) He'd start grizzling at 4am and never seemed comfortable after that. Things that helped were firm (ish) clockwise tummy massages through the day (after nappy changes) gripe water and resting my hand on his tummy (the warmth helps relax the muscles so I'm told). He is a trumping MACHINE but it is getting better. I'm so sorry that I can't offer more advice other that it's one of those things they just grow out of. Chances are (unless it's trapped wind which can be painful) the cries during poos are just cause it's a new sensation rather than discomfort. It's a lot for them to work out, pushing with some muscles while relaxing others. (or so I read anyway) good luck with everything, remember, this too shall pass xxx
Aww thank you so much! I’ll defo try that, does the tummy massages work better without clothes ? How’s your son now, is he better? X
I normally use a bit of coconut oil on a bare tummy. We make a song and game and he seems to enjoy it. In the night if I do it I just do it over his sleep suit (if there's poppers I move them to one side so I'm not jabbing him with those! 😊)
There's a good video on YouTube, I think from Infacol, there's a couple of really good moves that I took from that.
He's still a bit on and off to be really honest. He was proper grizzly this morning, but a good tummy rub and some spectacular trumps over 20 minutes or so and he was back to sleep. I have a next to me crib so I just place my hand on his tummy (inside his gro bag) and that tends to sooth him quite a lot. He didn't poo yesterday so I'm expecting a pretty awesome nappy display later! Fingers crossed.
How's your little one getting on? Xx
Here's that video! The I, L and U massage one is good. I say I love you with the letters and the baby loves it (despite not understanding the mushy sentiment of course!)