My LG had her jabs and just keeps spitting the calpol out, I can see she’s in pain. Can I put liquid calpol in her milk?
Calpol: My LG had her jabs and just... - Pregnancy and Par...

Don't keep giving Calpol if she's spitting it out, she could be swallowing small amounts and might end up getting too much if you keep giving it.
When my nephew had his first jabs I just held him and walked him back and forth that whole night. It's going to be uncomfortable for any little one, just try to keep her soothed as much as possible and it will pass.
If they spit it out straight away then it's ok to try a second dose. Yes you can put it in her milk, it's the only way I can get it into my daughter. If you're using a syringe you could try a spoon instead, and small amounts at a time.
Just to say calpol is recommended now for the jabs given the inclusion of meningitis b vaccine. It helps to stave off the fever that is likely consequent on this immunisation. Without it there is a risk of a high fever and in small infants the potential for convulsions based on the fever. I just wanted to put this given the previous posters comments about just soothing them. No offence intended but just for future reference.
I have two premature twin boys - we are actually going for our final infant vaccinations this morning. We have to give them iron and multivitamins every day and do this in a smaller bottle of milk - half an ounce this makes sure that they get all of the medicine if a feed is not finished and should be given first so they are hungry enough not to notice the taste. Calpol should be given in the same way.
A little trick I was shown by the health visitor because my little boy was the exact same was to blow on their face once you’ve got some in their mouth, it’s meant to make them swallow (it worked most of the time for us). Good luck xxx
It may just be the taste/texture of the calpol xxx
Using the syringe put it in her mouth to the side and then push the plunger gradually, make sure her head is tipped back. I have a terrible time giving my lg medicine. She actually likes calpol now but she had to have antibiotics not long ago and it was a nightmare getting it down her. I tried putting it in her milk - just a little but she tasted it and wouldn't drink it. Such a worry when they get ill and you can't get it down them.
I know once she had a raging temperature and she kept struggling and spitting it out, but fortunately I managed to get enough down her to bring the temperature down. So hard - good luck .
Have you tried the calpol teat trick? I've included a link to a newspaper for it just incase you haven't heard of it. I know a few people who's babies will only take it this way.
Hope it helps.