My DS is 3 months and has just become distracted by EVERYTHING. As a result naps are becoming a mythical treasure and he's so overtired by the end of the day he can't/won't sleep and is so miserable! He's distracted by the sofa cushions, the wall lamp, the duvet cover, the ruddy artex ceiling... everything. Last night when (trying to!) breastfeed him to sleep I used my spare hands as like a blinker to obscure most of his view and he was out within seconds. Same today on a dog walk in the sling, pulled his sun hat down a bit to ruin his view of the trees, and he was out like a light? He really is so tired poor little boy. So, do you think an acceptable thing to do is put a silky little eye mask on during this spell of distractions to help him get some much needed sleep?? (Obvs this is just to get him to nod off NOT while he sleeps). He was jaundiced when he was born and wore a little mask for 2 days when he was under the light and didn't seem to give a dam. What do you think?? Or do you have any tried and tested schemes for the overstimulated 3 month old? xxx
Can you blindfold a baby?? (Bear with... - Pregnancy and Par...
Can you blindfold a baby?? (Bear with me!)

My nephew was awful as a baby he would cry all the time and my sister used to pull his hat over his eyes and he’d be out like a light dunno just used to settle him we thought it was funny. I say do what you need to as long as he’s not upset or harming him in any way it’s fine.

Thank you for your reply! I figure it's like when you put a sheet over a parrots cage! 😂 His dad literally falls asleep in under a minute if you pull the duvet over his eyes 😆 Thanks again xx
My little one was the same about 3/4month he got so distracted that he would neither feed or sleep well and ended up overtired and awake for 3 to 5 hours interval what I found out later was far too much for his age. One thing I found helpful was to cover his pram while walking him and put an app of white noise. He goes out instantaneously. We also bought a very good window blind fabric and put behind our curtains, so for his naps and night sleep there is almost no light. The only way he would nap was feeding in a dark room or walking in a dark pram. He's 6 month now, still not very good with his naps, but doesn't need that darkness anymore. Good luck with your little one. Xxx
U could try a wee comforter, to put over his eyes to help him sleep. Obviously take away when he falls asleep. He just a nosey wee man haha x