Hii,am 19 weeks pregnant, for the past few days I don't even feel pregnant , and i dont even know maybe what am feeling is a movement or not ,I am worried and my 20 weeks scan in not until next week .can baby be hiding inside me and not feel the baby ?
19 weeks and am not feeling pregnant ... - Pregnancy and Par...
19 weeks and am not feeling pregnant anymore

I barely felt pregnant the whole time and I didn’t feel movement until about 23 weeks so that’s not unusual xx
I felt exactly the same from 16-23 weeks, then I started to feel those lovely kicks and now it all feels very real. Please try not to worry, it's very common not to feel baby until later especially if it's your first pregnancy.
I also felt exactly the same! I didn’t really feel a huge amount of movement until week 24 as my placenta was high. Don’t be alarmed as I think this is fairly normal xx
If your worried at all about anything speak to your midwife or call the maternity unit at your local hospital.
It probably is normal but better to be safe and put your mind at ease.
Nobody on here can tell you it’s all ok so advice is fine but a health professional is the only one I’d trust to tell me my baby is well.
Thank you mothers,I am hoping i could wait till next week wed for my 20 weeks scan .. but if I become restless I guess I will have to go in earlier .
I'm also pregnant and due my second ultrasound in May. I feel very normal but very tired, although I'm sure my 15 month year old has something to do with that! Although my bump has suddenly popped and I've felt some movement, so I'm feeling a little less anxious.
Don't worry if you haven't felt anything yet. It's perfectly normal not to until 22 weeks for some women. Apparently you can feel the baby sooner if it's not your first, which has been the case for me, but it might just be because you're more familiar with what to expect and I can tell the difference between gas and the baby now lol.
Best of luck for next week. Youll be fine. Are you finding out the sex?