Hello, I am Gemma and I'm looking for somewhere to have a natural birth after c- section. Preferably in London or West Sussex. Any ideas? I think most hospital-attached birth centres wouldn't accept me because I have had a C-section and I am 36. I would like a home-from-home feeling. Are there any affordable freestanding birth centres?
Where can I VBAC?: Hello, I am Gemma... - Pregnancy and Par...
Where can I VBAC?

Check out UCLH Euston they have a Midwife led birth centre with pools and private rooms etc - but it’s only one floor away from the labour ward. So you wouldn’t have to go far in an emergency. Everyone considered low risk can birth there. Check with them if VBAC is included- their website is quite comprehensive already but you can also call I think...
Any one considered low risk can use birth centres. Your midwife is best placed to advise.
A birth centre won't be able to give epidurals as pain relief, and if complications arise they will transfer you to the hospital delivery suite.
Have you considered a home birth? A birth centre may refuse, but nobody can force you into hospital & midwives have an obligation to attend the birth. Perhaps it's worth weighing up the pros & cons x
I asked about this and apparently no one who has had a previous c section is low risk... Because of the scar on your uterus and the risk of rupture (although low) so continual monitoring, no birth pool etc etc. I think the only way around it is a home birth. You can ask anywhere, but like you said they'll have to accept you. Best of luck! Xxx
Vbac is offered is most centres. Inwould just book in with your local midwife and ask about this specifically or where you can get this.
Not sure why you had a c section in the first place ... however I think opting for a home birth (if you would even be offered one) is not advisable as if you need transferring to hospital it is precious time wasted to make sure baby is ok. Vbac should really be done is an observed environment.