I'm struggling with finding baby dinners in powder form I wanted cauliflower broccoli and cheese bu only found gluten free which my hubby bought by mistake not sure whether I should give baby now hes not intolerant , it's more about the single sachets in the Market for normal diet babies ?
Baby dinner options : I'm struggling... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby dinner options

Just wanted to ask is there any particular reason why you want to give powdered food? Because if it's convenience you want, there are some great Ella's Kitchen sachets. I usually give my little one half a sachet a go. They can be stored in the cupboard (in the fridge for 24hrs once open) and they're all organic. He's only rejected one or two of the flavours.
Theyre mainly made of fruit which he has in day ' so i wanted veg for evening , Will try them I'm not too keen on giving whole foods like grapes broccoli small pieces etc , scared of chalking
How old is baby? I tend to try making my own to save money but Ella’s kitchen and some others do loads of savoury veg/meat based ones rather than just fruit.
To be fair, my baby hated my attempt at broccoli & cauliflower cheese so maybe I should give him the powdered stuff 😂
Your not supposed to give small pieces, but larger chunks so baby is in control. Broccoli is great because it just breaks up into nothing. But if your really not comfortable with it then just steam & purée. My 6month old loves mashed (or sliced) avocado, mashed banana & sweet potato best. All really soft & easy to mush up
Would u not make ur own then u know exactly what’s i it. With my daughter I used to blend a bunch of veg, label date and freeze
Hey hun,
Just wondering what age baby is as they need some chunks if an older baby to learn how to swallow food, for instance 4+ is puréed food, 6+ Is textured to get them used to different textures, 7+ is to get them eating small chunks, 10+ is for bigger chunks so they learn how to swallow chewed food then 12+ whole-small chunks as they should have some teeth to chew themselves then,
It does depend on age, teeth, everything, I was scared about baby choking but the best thing I did was give her the correct food for her age when she went up! She’s now on whole foods and she’s only 14 months
Again each baby is different and only you as a mum will know, there’s no harm in trying though! If baby looks like she’s struggling, then stop!
However there are a lot of powdered foods, look at boots.com, they sell them on there.
Can’t stress enough how finger foods are important though!!! Obviously get for your babies age range but they need learn deed themselves too!
Try be less scared hun, you will get there! Xx
Then I completely agree with what your doing hun, my baby had 4+ and 6+ months at that age, my baby (14 months) still has some 4+ months food because she enjoys them!
Do check boots though& your supermarkets, Heinz do a lot of different ones, try the link below that should take you to them, they do porridge’s, dinners & all sorts! Do try finger foods too though as they need to do this for self feeding& hand eye coordination
Will do thanx re assuring to no I'm n right path
I just wanted to say that even tho your little one isn’t intolerant to gluten, giving him gluten free food won’t harm him at all.
The ‘gluten free’ trend is quite misleading for those who don’t have a problem since we still eat loads of foods naturally gluten free. There is a good chance that this recipe would always have been gluten free but they just highlight it so mums looking for it know it’s safe for their babies too.