Wow the time is going so quick. I have now reached the 20 week mark last Friday. All sorts of aches , pain gurgles and noises now...just waiting for the kicks but haven't a clue what I'm looking for and the gender scan on Wednesday happy mummy here xx
20 week mark Friday : Wow the time is... - Pregnancy and Par...
20 week mark Friday

Ahhhh congratulations.... time sure does go quickly.... good luck with your 20 week scan 💗💙xx
Hiya. Yes 2nd trimester certainly is going quick for me also. Im 22 weeks now. Just felt flutters no actual kicks as yet but im sure baby will. Have you purchased anything yet? Good luck at your scan, exciting times ahead and well done for getting this far! 👍🏻🤗💕🤞🤰🏻
I have felt flutters but not all the time. I haven't purchased anything yet but people have bought bits like grows , nanny 1 brought me some baby bath bits for xmas, like suncream, wipes, newborn pjs dummy ls etc all in white. Nanny 2 brought the moses basket. The rest we will get when we know what we are having so we can be a bit more organised. Have you got bits? Have you had your scan? Eeekk so so exciting x
Yea i had my 20 week scan. Had consultant apt and she has booked in growth scans at weeks 28 34 and 38. My placenta was on the back wall (posterior) and 2cm nearer to the exit so they will monitor it at week 34 also. They said it was nothing to worry about as when i get bigger it will fall into place. We have bought the nursery furniture, crib and have painted the nursery. We made the Wardrobe up today. Cot bed and changing unit hopefully will be made up next week. Keep an eye on the baby events at mothercare, argos, sainsburys, tesco etc. Aldi and asda currently have the baby event on now.
Thank you we we be able to do all out when we know what it is. We both have 2 weeks off work end of March so we are going pram and cot shopping then. We are not getting a changing unit, just a set of draws etc. Theres a shop not far away that do really good deals on baby items so we are going to have a look. If you want a preggy buddy throughout for support I am on Facebook 😄
How exciting!! Are you going to find out the sex? I honestly can’t wait to get to this point (I’m nearly 16 weeks) x
Hiya, yes we are going to find out. We were going to keep it surprise but we like to be organised and makes sense financially, mainly I'm too nosey and couldn't wait 😃😏
Yeah we want to find out too 😊 Any preference on which you would like? X
That's brilliant. 2 weeks to go for me to reach 20 weeks. It's so surreal isn't it? Wishing you all the best with your scan. I haven't had one since 12 week x
Good luck with your scan.
We also were desperate to find out our baby didn’t make it easy crossing their legs at the start 🤣 eventually at the end she said it was a girl 💗 we also opted out of screening tests the scan showed no issues with any of her organs.
I have only just started to feel her kick & I’m 23 weeks. My midwife said some women don’t feel any movement till 24 weeks. when baby gets bigger you’ll soon feel him/her kick 😍 I don’t even remember feeling anything with my son till I was 6 months. xoxo

I am preparing myself for not finding out as on our 12 week scan our little monkey wouldn't stay still long enough for a proper picture. So I feel we have a wriggle bum on our hands. Although I'm excited to find out as long as everything else is healthy, we did hear the heartbeat last week and the consultant said was nice and strong so that's surely gotta be a positive xx
Yay how exciting every milestone is a step closer to meeting your little one hope they behave well for you on scan day 😍 xxx
Congratulations, such a relief to reach that 20 week mark. I felt proper movements around 23 weeks only small, but will be stronger as time goes by. Currently 35+2 and watching your baby actually move is amazing, but the little cheeky monkey won’t move for daddy. x
Thank you. Daddy keeps talking to bump and hes going to rub cream on my belly bump as I'm so itchy, I want him to be able to get the kicks..and baby to recognise his voice. It's all exciting to the point Indont think it has still sunk in x
Yea, I think daddy’s hands are too warm for baby, as anything warm on belly baby stops moving lol. I was exactly the same as you, now I only got 3-5 weeks and our little bundle of joy will be here x
It's so so exciting. But nerve wracking at the same time. I never thought j would be this nervous before you must keep in touch so we can see your bundle xxx
I am going to opt for a c section if I can. I'm asthmatic and not sure my breathing would cope going natural. I have just come down with this bug that is doing the rounds, so coughing really hurts. I will get a ball nearer the time as they seem really good. For now I just stick my pregnancy pillow between my legs 🤣
Ahh it’s so exciting! I’m 25 weeks tomorrow and I felt a few flutters around 20 weeks but it took me a while to work out whether they were movements or just my own stomach ha! I’ve only really properly been able to tell that it was baby kicking/ moving in the last 2 weeks or so, and when you start being able to tell you can really feel them ha! Sometimes it makes me cringe as it literally feels like she’s kicking an organ or something ha! You can also start to notice patterns- like our baby always starts to kick/ move when I go to bed- typical ha! Wishing you good luck with your scan!!! It’s crazy to see how much they’ve grown since the 12 week scan! Xx