Hello my lovely Ladies!
Just thought i'd give you a little update... Today i had my 20 week scan, and what can i say, it was so amazing! Unfortunately I went alone as my partner couldn't make it due to work commitments. Sadly it's his loss though as i had a wonderful experience... Our child was bouncing around, sucking it's thumb and drinking fluid. Then the little begger even got hiccups... It was all so clear and very comical!
This was probably scan number 7 (due to cyst check ups), and i can honestly say it was the best! I also didn't feel sick with worry, and i was relaxed and stress free...
I am now feeling very relaxed and calm in my self that all is going to be peachy!
We also move to Surrey in two weeks and i am soooo excited for our new home! I can also start my antenatal classes, meet new bump friends and really start to prepare for bubba's arrival!
From a very smiley Duppy!