Is there any other people here who are epileptic who is pregnant who can give me some advice on how their pregnancy is going? I just found out I'm pregnant and extremely worried.....
Epileptic and pregnant???? - Pregnancy and Par...
Epileptic and pregnant????

Hi Babylegion,
Firstly congrats on your pregnancy!!
I am just over 18 weeks pregnant and have focal onset epilepsy. Now, I only have simple partial seizures so may not be the best person to talk to about this but didnt want to read and run.
So far so good, I was already on lamictal which is considered the safest in pregnancy and has little to no effects on baby. I have an appointment at the hospital next Friday with the epilepsy specialist to discuss everything however they have said that it is only really likely to affect my seizure frequency (if it does at all, normally doesnt) towards the end when Im struggling to sleep or stressed about the birth etc. (known triggers) so they will be monitoring the levels in my blood at that point and will increase if needed.
How is your seizure control at the moment?
But as it stands my seizure frequency hasnt changed and I have one very healthy little boy onboard.
I would make your doctors aware immediately though as they were really on the ball with monitoring me and getting early referrals etc.
Good luck!
I have grand mal seizures which is partly controlled.... haven't had one since October. I'm also on lamictal and keppra. Which they say are safe during pregnancy. Just really worried and hoping that things go well. Congratulations on your pregnancy, it's nice to hear things are going well for you so hoping the same here. I have an appointment to see my epileptic specialist next week as my gp requested an urgent appointment....
They will be able to help answer any questions and hopefully put your mind at ease a bit. Epileptics have children all the time, you will be well looked after. I know it’s hard but try and enjoy it. Good luck 😊
Thanks sibbo. I am trying to as I've wanted to get pregnant for a while now but I'm only seven weeks + 3 days and scared about the what ifs... the sickness doesn't help either lol x
It’s not fun but sickness is a good sign 😊 it means something’s happening.
I know what you mean, it is hard to relax. Ours is from rounds of IVF so when it finally worked I was so I edge and it took me ages to learn to relax. Then you add something like epilepsy in and it makes it 10 times more stressful. But you can’t let it stop you from becoming a mum if that’s what you want, you will be well monitored and some people even say their seizures reduce in pregnancy! So you never know x
Thanks hun it makes me feel better knowing there's others like myself who epileptic but has had a healthy pregnancy 😀 how long was you ttc before you had ivf if you don't mind me asking?
Not at all. Around 2 years. We knew we would have trouble as my husband had testicular cancer a few years back (all clear now) but as they can never say never, we had to try for a year before getting a referral. Then we were able to start IVF. I’m sure your pregnancy will go great just take it easy and look after yourself. Exciting times 🤗 x
I don’t have epilepsy but a colleague of mine does. When she was pregnant she was monitored closely so agree with what Sibbo84 said and let them know ASAP. They said her meds may need increasing during pregnancy to keep seizures from happening. Her epilepsy was fully controlled at the time though so don’t know if that made a difference. All the best with your pregnancy x