So today i experienced movement in the right side of my belly? Even my fiance felt it? Still got negative tests? Could I be pregnant but not showing xxxx
Movement: So today i experienced... - Pregnancy and Par...

How far along do you think you would be? Have you had a blood test to check?
I wouldn’t have thought so as you posted you had a scan last week to check ovaries etc they would have picked up a pregnancy which is far along to have movement.
You don’t feel baby’s movements early when tests are positive never mind when they’re negative xx
You can only feel movement at around twenty weeks pregnant. It was likely digestion.
You feel absolutely nothing early on, other than a few cramps and twinges here and there but it wouldn’t be felt on the outside if u know what I mean xx
I personally felt movements very early with my first but I was also “unhealthy skinny” my second I felt movements around 13 weeks my third I have an anterior placenta so I don’t feel much and I’m 18 weeks but if you had an ultrasound they would of picked up on a fetus if they didn’t unfortunately I wouldn’t believe to be pregnant