Hello guys... I'm new on here and was wanting some advice and help. Ive been with my boyfriend for 5 years and I can say about 4 years having unprotected intercourse. I did have an irregular heavy menstruation when I was younger and about 5 or so years ago I stopped menstruating. Throughout the years ive tried the birth control pills to help bring it back but I'd get super moody so I'd have to stop the use. I haven't had a natural flow since and even though we both don't mind getting pregnant since we don't use protection at all and he finishes in me, is this something to be concerned over badly? Will I be able to have children? Is there anything I can do.. Any feedback or comments is appreciated, thank you.
Help Concieving: Hello guys... I'm new... - Pregnancy and Par...
Help Concieving
Hi, did you ever checked with the doctor to confirm why your period has stopped it is hard to say if you can or can’t have kids without medical consultation.
The fact that you have been having unprotected sex for number of years and are not pregnant does not confirm that you can’t have kids as the fertility window each moths is very small and it might be just the timing, however if you don’t have a periods at you that may mean you are not ovulating.
I would recommend to see a doctor to understand why your periods has stopped.
Good luck x
I’ve read vitex is good for regulating periods maybe try that, if your not having periods the chances of conception are pretty low as your not ovulating. My friend used to have very irregular maybe 2 periods a year! She did have a child after 10 years she had gave up she’s a big girl and has pcos.
I would say go to the Drs and get checked out if there is something that could medically stop you from getting pregnant I think it’s best to find out early. Even though you’re not ready yet at least if you know you can make a plan.
I would suggest pregnacare preconception his and her. Also to monitor your ovulation and make love on your fertile days . This is what worked for us .
After trying for two years the above methods resulted in pregnancy after three months.
Hope it all goes well. X
You need to see your gp and get tested to see if you are ovulating. The bleed you experience on the pill is not a true period, it’s a withdrawal bleed so it doesn’t tell you anything about your natural menstrual cycle. The gp should be able to tell if you are ovulating from blood tests and maybe also an internal ultrasound scan. If you are not ovulating, they may be able to give you drugs to prompt ovulation depending on why you are not ovulating.
Sometimes periods stop when people are overweight, so it might be worth talking to your gp about your diet too if this is the case for you. However being overweight can also be a sign of poly cystic ovarian syndrome so make your gp for check this!