any1 got tips getting pregant fast in a 1months time i want to be pregant so bad any good tips im still gettin my periods every month i get my period need get pregant fast leave a message thanks
trying2getpregantfast : any1 got tips... - Pregnancy and Par...

Is there a reason to get pregnant fast hun ?
This your first time trying for s Baby ? Xx
yeah its is i havent got no kids none no kids yet my first time yeah its is xx
I would say cut down on caffeine and drink lots of water take vitamins and enjoy bedroom time especially your fertile time try not to stress about getting pregnant as that delays all too. Good luck x
If only if were that easy... I think it’s everyone’s dream to fall pregnant within the first month of trying.
It’s normal to take up to 12 months, and even beyond...
All you can do is know your body well, know when you ovulate and make sure that you’re having sex on the most important days, stay healthy with your diet, weight, not smoking etc.
The rest is out of our hands..
ive beeen writting down my periods on on paper every month ive been writting my periods down when im on an im do need do eat more heathly i dont smoke drink lil bit not a lot i dnt drink that much thanks thou
can u get pregant staright away if a man unproctected sex as partners can u get preg straight away if ur man cums and has unprotected sex in u straight away im just sayin im tired of stressing about this tired of stressin
Well, you can only get pregnant if you have unprotected sex within the ovulation time frame. Sperm, depending on quality etc, can life up to 5-7 days inside your Fallopian tube, and your egg can be fertilised for up to 48 hours after its release. So if you (on average) ovulate on day 14 after your last period, unprotected sex between Day 7 and Day 16 can result in pregnancy. Though every body is different - you may ovulate earlier or later one month, sperm might not make the ‘long wait’ or there may even be a fertilised egg but it just doesn’t manage to develop.
Your highest chances really are to have sex just before and when you ovulate.
However, getting really stressed out is not going to help and may even result in you not ovulating in the first place!
You can’t force it to happen, sadly...
I'm afraid there are no tricks. Ot depends on your fertility which some people are blessed with others are not. Being healthy is what you can do, however stressing about getting pregnant asap is probably not a good thing. I think everyone wants to get pregnant on first month of trying that is the expectation... sadly reality is that it can easily take up to 12 months or longer.
Just try and relax, easier said than done I know
G luck
Get a period tracker app helps to predict your fertile days and ovulation, do opks if unsure of ovulation day. Have lots of sex. Be as healthy as you can take prenatal vits.
does any of your bf take supplements gettin pregant how 2 tell my bf i want him 2 take supplments what be best way 2 talk to my bf thanks xx
told me he wants 2 do it naturally whats best ??
does any of your bf take supplements gettin pregant how 2 tell my bf i want him 2 take supplments what be best way 2 talk to my bf thanks xx
What supplements do you want him to take? I didn’t know they made anything for men that’s meant to help with conception?
boots pregacare for him and her in shops in boots xx
I’m under the impression that preconception vitamins are beneficial for women in the sense that they help the developing embryo/foetus after its conceived, but doesn’t actually aid in conception. It just tops up your levels of folic acid etc to reduce the risk of developmental issues. I’d be surprised if the male ones helped with speeding up conception in any way but I’m happy to be proven wrong! I would say the same as everyone else, just healthy lifestyle choices will be more beneficial than anything else 🤷🏼♀️ Even so it can take up to a year. I conceived the first month of trying but didn’t do anything differently to what I normally do! Others try everything and it takes months, I don’t think you can control it but stressing about it and trying to force it will reduce your chances as stress messes up your cycle. All the best!
I know which tablets you’re talking about. I guess it’s supposed to help a man have healthier sperm.
Unless your partner has low sperm count or low mortality (I think it is called, trying to remember when they tested my hsuband’s Sperm...) there’s no need for him to take anything extra.
I know it’s hard but the best you can do is to relax about it all. It’s still really early in your journey even if it doesn’t feel that way!
yeah theres some in boots
boots pregacare for him and her in shops in boots xx
Things that worked for me. Track ovulation using both sticks and thermometer. Be healthy, so eat healthy food but don't eat too little, a bit of what you enjoy is fine. Get exercise but don't overdo it. Don't worry if it takes you a bit of time. I wanted to get pregnant quick and it took six months. So what, I'm still pregnant.