Hi. I'm a ftm and have an 11 week old little girl. I'm wanting to try combined feeding. I wanted to breastfeed when she was born but she wouldn't latch on as we were both shattered. How do I go about this.
Hi. I'm a ftm and have an 11 week old little girl. I'm wanting to try combined feeding. I wanted to breastfeed when she was born but she wouldn't latch on as we were both shattered. How do I go about this.
Have you been bottle feeding upto now? X
Yes but a lately she just puts it in her mouth and cries
Give this a, read hopefully it'll help
Has she been assessed for tongue and lip ties? It sounds like this may be the culprit for her not latching well to start with. Not all midwives and LCs are trained in ties so make sure whoever you speak to is. If you want to get her back to the breast you will need to work with an IBCLC to stimulate lactation.
How much is she being bottle fed and how often? Most bottle fed babies are overfed as it is so easy for them to take milk from the bottle.
It’ll take a lot of hard work, patience and determination. Definitely see a lactation consultant who knows about tongue tie and find a local support network. Do you have a La Leche League support group in your area? Have you been expressing to keep your milk supply up? Good luck x