8 weeks pregnant and So down...always crying...feel aner towards my hubby and a tad parinoid...please say it gets better as we r so strong...i mite end up rocking the boat.x
Pregnancy feelings: 8 weeks pregnant... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnancy feelings

First of all congratulations!! X
As for the paranoia and anger it could be your hormones, and your probably just feeling awful. With my last pregnancy I used to want to kill my partner for no reason but this pregnancy I’m quite mellow.
It will pass it’s just hormones hun , your not alone , but if speaking to your midwife might help you then do so or a doctor.
All the best with your pregnancy xx
Congratulations darling.
Sorry to hear that you are feeling this way. Unfortunately this are your hormones playing along. Try to ignore those angry feelings and focus on the positives. You are bringing a new life into this world, one that will love you unconditionally from the very beginning. One smile that will melt your heart.
If your feelings get to difficult to handle you will need to seek professional help discuss your feelings with your midwife and or health advisor.
Try to enjoy this ride as the outcome will be the most precious little thing that you will Hold.
PS it’s normal to feel anxious and worry about the future as it’s a life changing experience.
I was a nightmare at eight weeks and couldn't stop crying!! I'd only experienced emotion like it when a friend died suddenly last year! Felt like I was going nuts!
Added more sugar to my diet (I don't usually have a sweet tooth! But it's what I was craving) and I've been a lot better.
Now I just feel like a blob lol!
I promise it'll get easier, I'm surprised no one talks about how bloody hard the first trimester is. It completely takes over everything!!!
But it will calm down I promise xxx
No one does tell u this side of the wonderful pregnancy journey...im still struggling...partner took me out and tried to spoil me and i was still snappy...i appoligize every day and ulthow he has had kids himself i feel like im appoligizing now even for being tired alot. Now even asking for a hand turns into a slagging match from him to me! Makes me feel crap on top of being full of emotion and hormones and my baby growing. 😟
Today i came home from my first midwife appt. Ive been given another sick line...my partner wasent happy and decided not to speak to me or ask why...now i feel like crying and major fatige has been invisible to him...bit of advice please from my fellow women.
I'm sorry your going through this lovely. Congratulations too on your pregnancy
If It was me. I'd educate him on how pregnancy and the first trimester can affect us. Show him literature from ngs, website and other women talking about what they go through on forums, sometimes ppl can't understand what's going on because they can't see it. This approach helped my other half understand endo for me and he's very attentive now when he knows I'm not well. He'll research things him self and, try to help.
Hope this helps hun