Hi, I'm currently on pregnancy number 3 and suffering SPD. I had it bad with 1st & 2nd but was told just to get on with it, I'm 22 weeks and can not walk, stand, sit and can barely lie down. Does anyone have any advice that can help ease the pain ( never seem able to get intouch with mw) what pain killers are you allowed to take during pregnancy? I was advised only paracetamol but they just don't work.
SPD ADVICE: Hi, I'm currently on... - Pregnancy and Par...

Hi I’m on my 3rd pregnancy too with spd and 24 weeks my job is very active so killing me off . There sending me for pysio soon. I can’t give you any advice as I’m too been fobbed off with paracetamol. If you get anywhere please can you advice me too xx
I had it from 24 weeks. My son is now 3 months old and I still haven't seen a physio 😂. I got referred but never saw one.
You can take codeine but under the advice of your doctor. Not sure on what dosage. I was given it when being induced and my friend took it in her pregnancy advised by the doctor.
Have you got a support belt hun? I could actually walk for 5 minutes without crying when I had mine on xx
No theyve said I have to weight to been seen my the pysio 😳 I walk 5 hours a day I walk dogs for a living. So I’m in constant in pain the doc signed me off for a week a week 😡😠 I’ve started wearing a belt I made my self out of material Which takes the edge off xx
Your kidding that’s takes the p**s
I was all ready to work up till 8 month but I’m going on maternity early in 6 weeks and I can’t wait least I can spend time with my youngest whist there’s no school and well no child care cost x
They told me maximum wait is 8 weeks meaning I should of seen someone at 34 weeks at least. I gave birth at 38+3. My midwife chased them every appointment I had with her but still nothing.
Go to your GP hun and ask about pain relief xx
I’ve been twice they say rest when I can and take paracetamol even broke down crying 😢 they automatically thought I was a unfit mummy to be be because I’m a little over weight till I set her straight. I don’t drive so walk everywhere drop off at school is a normal 20 mins walk at 8am every morning then back then 5 hours walking then back up the hill to school she soon shut up 😂
😂 well that's a bit of a wait for a physio appointment, I thought waiting where I live was bad. I don't have a support belt but I've been told they can be bought, not sure if this is true but most certainly something I am looking Into. X
Definitely recommend seeing a chriopractor.. I've got spd with my pregnancy now this is baby number too. I saw a chiropractor and she put my pelvis back in twice with in 5 days. It's expensive but I was so much more comfortable after 😁
Thank you, I will look into this. I'm not bothered what the cost if it means I can walk my kids to school without the pain and having to keep stopping. X
Physio/belt is probably the main stay. Most pain killers can not be used in pregnancy. Ibuprofen/naproxen are a no no in the third trimester as can cause issues with the circulation system. Codeine can be used but best used as a one off as it may cause side effects and cause addiction both in yourself and baby (Codeine is closely related to morphine). Sadly pain killers and lots of medication is very limited in pregnancy either cause of side effects or not knowing what the effects could be.
I have SPD and have done since 28 weeks I’m 34 weeks now. I was referred to a physio which I’m fortunate to say happened within days. Unfortunately it didn’t work and left me quite bruised once she’d finished poking and prodding me. I can go back but it left me in more pain. I won’t take any medication ever if I can help it so I’m just taking it one day at a time. I start maternity leave next Friday so hopefully resting lots helps. Hope you get help!
Ouch that sounds more painful in the long run , it Maybie wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to walk my son to school and back home then again the same walk at home time. What used to be a 10 minute walk for us ( even with a young child) is now 40 mins thereand back twice a day then if course there is the house work, shopping, everything else a mum does. It's ok when my o.h has days off work because he will do it all so I get a slight rest. X
Hi I had spd from 20 weeks I referred myself to physio so I could get a quicker appointment ask your doctor to prescribe you codine they have to prescribe it you can't just buy it and see if anyone has got any crutches they helped me and get a gym ball and look up some exercises they do help abit
I have spd for the second time. Unfortunately physio will only do any good If you get seen early. I was told last time that they'd been sent me too late to do much. And to wear a support band to help to take some pressure off my hips which does help. I'm worse this time around with it. My hips painful end up shooting back into their sockets just from me standing up or if I move my leg wrong. Short on meds and crutches and exercises from physio there's bit alot else to be done
I'm also really suffering. It's worse when I do lots of walking but the heavier my bump has got the worse it's getting. A few things I'm trying which may help you, if you haven't tried them already, are:
- a pregnancy pillow, lots of different types available and can really help you get comfy when sitting or lying down
- an electric heat pad, like a small electric blanket, really helps when I'm stiff and sore
- a support belt, mine is a basic elastic one from Mothercare which cost about £12, and helps lift the bump and relieve pressure on my pelvis
- get a GP appointment and ask what dose codeine you can take, I'm taking cocodamol very occassionally when it's really bad and mainly at night so I can get some sleep
- I'm now having pregnancy massages every few weeks which help relieve tension in my back and bum
- putting your feet up as much as possible!
I've heard physio can be really effective but worth trying other things until you get an appointment, a GP can also refer you. It's probably worth saying that everything I've suggested above have been given the 'OK' by my antenatal consultant.
I had this with both my pregnancies. I found physio to be pretty useless to be honest due to waiting times and a lack of understanding regarding the severe pain I was in. I was just given crutches and left to it!
I went for regular osteopathy with my second pregnancy which saved me. I had a one year old to look after and I honestly couldn't have got through it without my weekly osteopath appointment.
Wishing you all the best. I won't ever forget how painful it was.