hello, im 32 years old, i am 50 days late on my period,im having pregnancy symptoms my breasts are sore and feel heavy im throwing up mainly at night, im gaining weight,
now my last monthly was on Feb 27 2018 it lasted 2 days, i spotted half a day on march 13 2018, i haven't had anything since, i have taken home tests and blood work, and both came back negative,
i do have 2 kids my first child i was 4 months before i even knew i was pregnant, my youngest i was 3 months and a child that i lost i was about 9 weeks before i even knew, has this happen to anyone else, as im living off of gravol i saw the gyno on the 30th of may 2018 and he looked at me like i was on drugs or from another planet when i told him what happens when i get pregnant so he ordered more blood work it came back negative and an ultrasound, i just wish i had answers u know if anyone as any idea plz let me know thank you !!!!!!!!!