Hi I need some help I haven't had a period since the 18th of April and was meant to be due on the 19/05/14 and I think I might be 5weeks and 3days pregnant I taken 4 test all came back negative but I had this problem twice before with my other two children with my son I took 4tests all negative so went to gp and they did one for me and still came back negative so they did a blood test and it come back I was 12weeks pregnant and the same thing happens with my daughter I took three test spaces out and the gp did one and came back negative so did a blood test and it come back I was 8weeks pregnant so the doctors told me the levels of chug isn't high enough for me to do a pregnancy test so I have to do a blood test each time so I guess I'm wondering what you guys think what the odds I am pregnant I don't want to go to gp and look like a ass if I'm not so ?? My last period was the 18/04/14 and I was on for 5days and I was meant to come on the. 19/05/14 and I'm a week late my cycle is 31 days and I ovulated on from the 30/04/14 until 7//05/14 well that's what the calendar says and it states I'm 5weeks and 3days I've had cramps missed period needed a wee a lot my feel heavy some times and I've gone of some foods what are the chance of me been pregnant?? No rude comments please
Having trouble with pregnancy tests h... - Pregnancy and Par...
Having trouble with pregnancy tests help please Pregnant???

I think you already know what to do Hun. ... If it's happened before get down to the doctors and get a blood test done. or wait and see if its just stress that you haven't come in yet. Good luck
I am a little confused why you are asking the question? If it has happened this way twice before why dont you go down the route you have gone down before and go to the doctor for a blood test? Surely its the only way to know?
I think u know in ur heart already what the answer is.
No doctor will see u as an ass if it turns out negative, given ur past history. Dont be afraid and go get a definite answer. good luck xx
Thanks I'm going to make an appointment with the doctors first thing tomorrow x
Realistically nobody can answer this on here, wouldn't you rather as you say, "look an ass"by repeatedly visiting your GP than keep driving yourself bonkers not knowing? There is not an easy answer for you given your history but I understand how anxious you can be in the early stages. Your GP will know your history already there is no reason to think they will not help or understand you. Good luck