I have been living in England only for 6 months now l made tests at home it's my first pregnancy. I didn't know that I must have a gp so when l was to the hospital to have an appointment with a gynecologist they said first to find a gp. Then l had an appointment with gp which is in may (the earliest they said) and there talk to a gp for 10 minutes. I said that I want a blood test to be sure but she said that here in England there is no need to a blood test the urine test is enough. Then she said that she will help me to meet a midwife. I am mostly sad about the scans she said that only 2 scans will be enough and the first one generally is in 12 weeks. But l am so curios and 12 weeks aren't late? If there are any problems with the baby l will be late to understand and l want to hear that l am healthily pregnant from a medical face as soon as possible to be sure and to tell everyone my happiness but l must wait till 12 weeks.... Is everyone is in this situation and follow these steps? Please tell me when was your first scan? Will everything be okay? Am I very impatient?
Can you help me about my questions - Pregnancy and Par...
Can you help me about my questions

Yes this is the normal, if you want an early scan you have to pay for it.

Thank you so much l did not know it that is possible whenever you want l am ready to pay for it. I will tell my midwife when l met her thank you
Check online in your area there will be clinics which can do it for you.

A normal surgery where are gps isn't that possible?
I went to the biggest hospital to ask for an appointment for a gynecologist they said no way find a gp and he/she will make you see a gynecologist but l said nothing about pay an amount. Maybe l should go again and say this way
You need to register with a gp surgery they will then make a booking in appointment with a midwife she will handle your care, you usually only get 2 scans at 12 weeks and 20, unless there are problems or concerns. You can get scans through a private clinic which you have to pay for not at the hospital.

Thank you now I understand it better you helped me so much 💝 wish you the best
The midwife in your first appointment should take blood for tests.

I hope l can see a midwife as soon as possible. I can't guess how many weeks pregnant l am because my last period was in the middle of February. I should be 8 weeks but after middle of March l made every week tests but they were negative so first positive test was on 12 April and my lines are still faint . So l can be only 4 weeks but according to my period it's 8 weeks. I really want a scan to understand it
I think they’ll treat you as 8 weeks until your first scan which they can tell by measuring baby. I had my first midwife app at 11 weeks.

Really? Weren't you impatient? Till 11 weeks you knew that you were pregnant by home test strips or blood test? Did you told you are pregnant to your friends
I want to share it with everyone but l can't before any test scans etc
I knew I was pregnant at 4 weeks, I’ve already had 2 children previous so I knew they don’t do any scans til 12 weeks so just need to get your booking in app sorted then wait for your scan appointment. It is abit of a wait but that’s the procedure. Unless you have a bleed you just have to wait.
Where are you from? What’s the normal procedure there?

From Bulgaria. There you can have blood test and scans anytime you want. Usually you pay for extra scans but once you go and say that you think you are pregnant they do a scan and then they give you appointments l think every month and in these appointments if you say that you want a scan they will do it. I mean its not like only 2 times
Ahh really that’s good.

I was so desperate this week here I didn't know the procedure after the hospital I went to 4 health centres they said we are full till ..... The earliest l can register is may
I just have nothing to do unless waiting
I only hope for my baby to be healthy and there aren't any problems
Yes that’s normal UK procedure and timescales. why do you need a gynaecologist?
I didn't know the procedure here
In the country where I came from when you think you are pregnant you go to a gynecologist and he/ she does blood test and scan to be sure about the pregnancy and the weeks and health of the baby
When in may? That will be pushing it if your already 8 weeks did you tell them?
If you can’t wait and want a scan find one locally they usually do a reassurance scan I think from 8 weeks.

Yes I insisted to see a gp like I am sick l just want to talk to a doctor l said and she told me to come next week that she will help me find a midwife earlier and in case we can talk to the director there to accept me earlier this is a little complicated l will go again on Monday eventually to talk with the director or l don't know what will happen next maybe l will see a midwife before registering there then after registering continue... I don't know
I thank God l could see a gp she was lovely and understood me
I didn’t see a midwife until 10wks because that’s when I found out I was pregnant. Over here in the UK you don’t see a dr to confirm your pregnant you just see a midwife who will take all of your details, bloods, work out due dates from your last period then you will get a date for your scan in the post. If you want a scan earlier than that you will have to go to a private clinic and pay.

gcw104 just wanted to tell you that today everything got organised and l have an appointment with midwife on 30 april 😊
l am married for 1 year now , we wanted a baby from the first day and now its happening thanks to God.. l was praying every day l say this because l saw your post and l will pray for you too to have a baby with your partner 💗 wish all your beautiful dreams come true
I’m pleased you got sorted, I hope your pregnancy goes well, and thank you for your well wishes x
I will also look for private scan thank you both about this idea
Doctors aren’t really involved much in pregnancy care it’s all Midwife’s unless there’s a concern and they’ll refer you to see a doctor. So you’ll should feel better when you get an app as you can ask questions etc. They’ll have a schedule when your nexts appointment are due where they’ll check the heart beat, urine and take more bloods.
Good luck hope you get seen soon x

Thank you very much for your help you made things clearer for me thank you for your time kindness and answers wish you and your family all the best x
This is standard. You don't need to meet the gp unless you feel you need to. They will not do a pregnancy test as they take your word for it.
Two scans at 12 and 20 weeks unless you have problems then there will be more asneeded. However you can always get a private scan if you want.
I personally would always wait 12 weeks to tell friends etc...
Also a low risk pregnancy will only have midwife led care you would not see a consultant gynaecologist unless there is an issue.
That is the reality of a free health care system that it is about need rather than want.
Theres notices all over maternity wards now saying unless you've been in permanent residentsy for the last 12 months you're no longer eligible for free healthcare, you should probably also look into this.
Actually if you're eu still entitled to health care (which I think Bulgaria is) I know there have things on the news recently with foreign people living here for several years ... but I think they didn't have the right paperwork or something ... but can never get the truth out if newspapers!!
I was in PAU yesterday it wasnt something i'd seen in the news/papers, there was notices posted on several notice boards that the hospital had printed out themselves, im not sure on the ins and outs of the procedures, i just thought it would be worth mentioning so the lady was aware