I’m at just about 5 weeks pregnant and am getting period like cramps. Has anyone else experienced this into their 5 week?
Period like pains: I’m at just about... - Pregnancy and Par...
Period like pains

I had some painful cramping at around 5 wks and a few days. I just thought it might be implantation. It was really uncomfortable. Maybe that's what's happening for you?
I spotted a few days after (only a tiny bit of blood). Just as long as you have no heavy bleeding alongside the cramps I'd say you're OK. But you could see your GP for reassurance?
I had period cramps through my first trimester. It's completely normal hun. Don't worry :). If you start spotting/bleeding or having brown discharge then I'd call your GP.
We've lost 2 babies so I was petrified but I had period cramps for ages with our rainbow boy. I'm now 32+1 and he's perfectly healthy :). Don't worry x
Yep completely normal, it’s the uterus stretching and getting going. I had them for quite a while. It’s worryong because they are the same feeling as a period coming. My little boy is 3 months now.
I had horrible cramping from 5 weeks through to 9 with my little one, we even had early scans at 5 and 7 weeks as I was convinced I was misscarrying. As long as there is no bleeding chances are all is fine.
I didn't go to the doctors at all about my cramping, they weren't interested, as soon as I found out the GP palmed me off to the midwife, who also refused to see me until 8 weeks. I went to A&E instead and they sent me to the early scan unit in the hospital.
You can take paracetamol whilst pregnant, this helped a lot, and hot water bottles were brilliant too. Xx
Im 14 weeks pregnant and had period like sensations off and on so far. I’ve had three scans and everything looks fine. When I spoke to the midwife she said it’s ok so long as they don’t last long and you are not in pain (and not bleeding). If you are worried I’d speak to your GP to set your mind at rest. Good luck x