Can someone advice how to deal vomit please ?? It’s started from yesterday and can’t do anything . I am throwing up for even juice and so exhausted. I am scared to drive for work and don’t know what will I do while driving . Any advice please ???
Help please , 7 weeks pregnant and vo... - Pregnancy and Par...
Help please , 7 weeks pregnant and vomiting whole day

I would definitely book an appointment with your GP. They may be able to give you something to help with the sickness!
I would go to your GP. It might be the case where your ketones levels maybe too high. I experienced it earlier this week where I vomited everything I had from Tuesday night to Thursday morning. They gave me anti-sickness tablets which seemed to do the trick. Xx
Hi Luv2017. You definitely need to see your midwife/GP, just in case you're developing hyperemisis. Hope you're soon feeling better. Diane
Try not to smell any food smells as they can trigger it or make it even worse.
Although you might not feel like it have somehow some fresh ginger.
Brush or rinse your mouth after vomiting so that your teeth don't rot from the stomach acids.
I destoyed one tooth with vomiting.
Try to squeeze your pelvic floor when vomiting so that uou don't put too much strain on your uterus. Mine partially detached from the strain.
Omg detached oh that’s scary. Ya thanks for that
I feel your pain mine started around week 6/7 and I threw everything up even water. Best advice I can give you is to take plain biscuits like rich tea to bed with you. I’m the morning before getting out of bed eat 2 or 3 and just try sipping water not juice bUt I think personally if you’re going to vomit through your pregnancy your going to vomit there no real way of stopping it. I found eating very little but often really helped it didn’t stop it completely but I was not sick as much as o was if I was eating meals. If you’re really concerned speak to the gp but I don’t think the tablets work xxx