Soothing newborn : My little one is... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Soothing newborn

Firstbabyat17 profile image
8 Replies

My little one is only 5 days old so i know its very early days and he will settle into a routine within a few weeks but has anyone got any advice on getting a newborn to settle in his moses at night? He falls asleep in mine or my parters arms just fine but that means we cant sleep. And he'll settle in his moses or bean bag chair in the day, just not at night.

He also wakes up a lot more often at night looking for food than he does in the day, and has trouble bringing up wind in the night. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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8 Replies
emmab178 profile image

The nights are the worst. Babies are more active at that time. We spent the first 6 weeks with our baby sleeping on us at night as she wouldn't settle.

Could try a white noise app but everything is going to be trial and error. I heard it gets better at 6 weeks and can't wait to get there!

xvanillaskyx profile image

Congratulations on the birth of your baby 😊

Your baby has spent 9 months growing inside you with food on constant supply, they also don’t even realise they are a separate entity from you yet.

Give them as much of your time as you can right now as you cannot spoil a newborn. Do what ever you can sleep wise so sleep when ever they sleep (if you don’t have any other children to look after) as their stomach is so tiny they process milk very quickly and therefore wake very frequently for food.

Are you breastfeeding or are you bottle feeding? Xx

Sisi14 profile image

Congrats on your little one first of all. Sounds like your little one is probably a little night owler and they have their nights and days mixed up as my little ones did it started when I was carrying them til they were 5 weeks old. Have you tried swaddling your little one at night so they still feel cuddled , I used to do this my little one and it worked wonders at night ! It’s trial and error though as it’s early days and the wind always harder at night , I had infacol on side. All best xx

Hannah_66k profile image

A baby's stomach can only hold a small amount so they can only go for short periods between feeds, even at night. Its unlikely anyone is able to establish a routine for a baby that young. Doesn't matter what you do with a baby that young, their behaviour is based on pure instinct. If they struggle with wind you can get infacol that you give them just before the feed or put it in the bottle but I'm not sure what age they have to be to have it. Good luck. It does get easier :)

Dad101 profile image

Firstly huge congratulations on your new addition. My personal view is all bets are off in the first six weeks and in the eye of the storm its hard going but they will settle down but you can be part of the process. My wife co slept with my daughter as she would scream from 6 till midnight every night from week 2 to 6 and its a recognised thing. Its to do with processing all the information they have taken in during the day . In the end I used the book baby whisperer and it really helped. She works on a theory of wake, feed, activity and then sleep. Have you had lots of people round or visiting people to show of your new bundle of joy? If so cut that down, go out for nice walks in the day. Whatever the weather! Make sure evenings are relaxed and quiet and remind yourselves that this is just a phase!

Mayyybaaabaaay profile image

Congratulations your little one is still very new to this world hopefully will get the hang of things soon. Have you heard of my hummy bear? I don’t actually have one but my sister uses one with my niece and they work a treat it’s 100% worth looking into. All reviews I’ve seen are excellent too xx

Sezza_jay profile image

Get him in to routine asap. It takes a few weeks but persistence is key. Do the same thing every night, have a night time routine, such as bath, , good massage , bottle and bed. Try swaddling him in a blanket to keep his arms from annoying him I also was told to play classical music to .y daughter and burn lavender oil aswell as put it in her bath. The oil relaxes and music bores them to sleep. It worked for mine. Hope it helps, and do it every night.

Ellie86g profile image

Have you tried wrapping him in a snuggle blanket? My little one was the same at nights. If he continues to have trouble with wind buy some colic drops, I had the same issue with my son and realised when he got to 5-6 weeks that he had colic which was awful for him. At first I thought he just wanted fed more often but noticed he wasn't actually taking any milk he just wanted to be on my boob and using me as a dummy/ pacifier. I eventually gave in and bought him a dummy and he settled down a lot more. By 3 months old his colic had gone.

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