I recently found out I am pregnant! Being a running enthusiast I was wondering if it’s still ok to run and how much is too much? What are my limits before I start putting excess strain on my body?
Exercise whilst pregnant: I recently... - Pregnancy and Par...
Exercise whilst pregnant

To my knowledge it's fine to keep doing what you are already doing. Your body will tell you to slow down if it's too much. Just don't increase the intensity/duration during pregnancy.
I was doing high intensity interval training but started to feel dizzy when pregnant (low blood pressure) so I stopped but you might be ok x
Hi sweetie! Congratulations on your baby! For what I read and for what I've been told, it's ok for you to keep doing your regular exercise, have a talk with your midwife and ask what it's advisable... but I've heard lots of celebrities and professional athletes that still do their exercise even while pregnant (remember serena won the tennis cup and was pregnant)
I'm still running at 21 weeks, I've slowed down but still comfortable enough to run. I did a half marathon at 8 weeks (at an easy pace) Some days are better than others symptom wise so I just see how I feel day by day. I always feel so much better after a run though! Good luck with your pregnancy xx
When I was pregnant with my son, I carried on running but it got uncomfortable for me by about 14 weeks! It's completely fine as your body is used to it! You will know if you need to slow down. I found swimming was better once running became uncomfortable but you might be running the whole time!
I did 10k a day before pregnancy (most days, anyway). I carried on running during pregnancy but by week 16 it was getting very uncomfortable and I was getting breathless. As it was summer, the heat also made running while pregnant quite unenjoyable. It also turned out I was a bit anaemic and I reluctantly knew I'd have to cut down on running.
For the remainder pf pregnancy, I walked an hour or so a day at an incline on a treadmill at a reasonable pace, did free weights, swam and did yoga. I missed the more intense cardio but got used to my new regime and it was enough to keep me feeling fit. Since having my son I've gradually built back up to running again. I'm still not quite where I was but have other priorities now :).
You will probably tune into your body so much you'll know what is too much.
Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck!
I’m starting to find running up the stairs gets me out of breath even now. I feel drained most of the time and I use to run 5 miles 3 times a week and possibly 8 or 10m at the weekend. I expect I will feel a little agitated that I can’t do that kind of running any longer it’s going to be quite different , however if I try to do some of the exercises you have mentioned without too much trouble that’s something at least. Thanks for the advice. It’s nice to know you can stay active during pregnancy and other women manage it x