Trying to quit smoking whilst pregnant - Pregnancy and Par...

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Trying to quit smoking whilst pregnant

Melanie17 profile image
17 Replies

Hey ladies

I don’t no if any one could help me but thought I would ask..

I’m now in my second trimester of pregnancy had scan baby is fine and healthy I’m trying to quit smoking Iv cut down from 30 to like 5 but I just can’t seem to pass that last hurdle of stopping completely.. I’m not posting this for anyone to pass judgment because i posted on another site and got nothing but abuse saying I was a terrible person. I am using patches and the mist spray iv read books got apps but I still can’t seem to do it is there any hidden gems which could help me past this last hurdle

Tia xxx

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Melanie17 profile image
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17 Replies

Congrants on the pregnancy and well done for cutting down so much, it must have been really hard! I've never been a smoker but am a nurse and had to help patients whis been in hospital and not been able to smoke. Have you tried the inhalator before, it's like a pretend cigarette but had a nicotine capsule in, itll keep your hands busy and make you feel like you're still smoking kinda 🤷‍♀️ Have you asked your midwife or GP for help xx

Melanie17 profile image
Melanie17 in reply to Florencenightingale

Thank you for replying. Iv tried that and didn’t get on with with. I was referred by my midwife to the stop smoking service.. I feel terrible because I am trying so hard I just can’t seem to do that last jump I read on my bounty app this morning that if you stop before 15 week ms (I’m 14 at the moment) the health risks for your baby drop dramatically so I’m literally aiming to be stopped by 15 weeks xxx

Blue1986 profile image

It takes so much to quit but you want to do that is good. I went cold turkey, it’s the only way. The first two days are awful, even the first week. But it gets easier and easier. At one point you just realise how pointless smoking is. Just stop today, don’t smoke anymore. Don’t even bother to have that ‘final’ cigarette and just tell yourself that you can do it.

Melanie17 profile image
Melanie17 in reply to Blue1986

Thank you for your reply I am so scared of failing with that method xx

Blue1986 profile image
Blue1986 in reply to Melanie17

Yeah, you probably will the first time. But it’s ok, you just keep on trying. Think about your baby and their health, put up discussing photos (like the ones on the packets) all around your house, you could even write big signs about why you’re quitting and stick them up everywhere as a reminder. There are so many things you could do to help you through the tough first hurdle.

I loved smoking and was on around 30 a day three years ago, I manage to reduce it to 20 before I quit, but I loved smoking and it took so much for me to just give up because I really didn’t want to. I haven’t smoked in over two years now and it’s great to be able to taste food and breath properly. It’s one of the wiser choices I have made and I am so happy I did it.

Melanie17 profile image
Melanie17 in reply to Blue1986

Thank you so much for your advice really appreciated xx

Seb9 profile image

Congratulations on cutting down, it's really hard. I was lucky I gave up before I was pregnant. I have to agree with Blue, don't have a final cigarette but congratulate yourself for each period you go for longer without one.

When I first gave up, I said, wow I've done a whole day not smoking, that encouraged me to do another one, then I'd done a week, after a week I was so chuffed, but I hadn't quit, just not smoked for a period of time.

Then I hadn't smoked for a month! Which encouraged me even more! I knew I could do it!

At the time I could tell you exactly how many days of not smoked for, now it's around 6 years since that last smoke.

I can still roll a perfect roll up though, which I'm strangly proud of 😂😂 I like to roll for my friends when we're out.

I used to be the heaviest smoker in my group of friends and now new people I meet don't even know I was a smoker. Best of luck xxx

Melanie17 profile image
Melanie17 in reply to Seb9

Thank you so much for your advice really appreciated xxx

nsha profile image

Have you tried vaping? That’s the advice which is given, to switch to vaping, because it is much better for the pregnancy. With 5/day you subconsciously compensate by smoking more of the cigarette and taking deeper inhales because your body wants the same amount of nicotine; not saying it’s nearly the same as 30 so you have done really well!

Also if you are in UK have you accepted a stop smoking NHS referral? The success rates with the service are actually really high, and the feedback really positive xxx

nsha profile image
nsha in reply to nsha

Sorry just seen on another reply you did have a referral.

I know this sounds quite harsh on yourself but have you considered a method which works on your mind rather than the addiction? I have heard people who have succeeded just because they have had affirmations around the house, or places they can’t really avoid easily when about the have a cigarette like inside your bag, on your fridge/back door, everywhere- maybe post it notes or scan pictures. I am NOT saying you should feel guilty and it is extremely hard but it might really help xxx

nsha profile image
nsha in reply to nsha

Just reminders written down of why you are doing this and who for xxx

EJThompson2 profile image

The guilt is what made me quit. The moment I found out I was pregnant I lit up a cigarette! I went for an early scan and found out I was 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I had another cigarette after my scan, then when I got home I lit one up and just thought to myself 'what am I doing?' I'm having a baby. I'm going to have to make sacrifices for the rest of my life to ensure my baby is put first. So I put it out and my daughter is now 5 and a half! (I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my second now) and I haven't smoked since. Sometimes it's mind over matter I think. You just have to stop, because you have to. I'm not saying it was easy but it was necessary!... I should mention I gained 3 stone in my pregnancy which was probably replacing cigarettes with snacks and sweets that I could enjoy instead lol.

Good luck, you will stop, it's just finding that strength!

QT314 profile image

Hi, I quit using a book that I'd recommend to everyone. In fact everyone I know that has successfully stop smoking for good have done so thanks to that book. The issue is that for it to work you need to keep smoking whilst you read it until the very end so unless you read it quickly I'm not sure it's the best way to stop during pregnancy. It's called easy way to stop smoking by Allen Carr.

I stopped smoking almost 4 years ago but I wasn't pregnant.

Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy x

Bumblebee04 profile image

Have you tried changing your daily routine. You often find that feel like smoking at certain points of the day or when you're feeling a certain way. Something like going on holiday for a week and going cold turkey would be ideal because you can do everything different. But as that's not as eay at the moment, try every time you feel you need one go for a walk or make a cup of tea or something just to replace the act of smoking.

Good luck and hope you manage it, remember it's not just a benefit to your baby but to you as well and you will feel great when you quit. X

michelle1973 profile image

Hi, Melanie17,

I was a heavy smoker, like you cutting down to 5 a day when first pregnant, what I found invaluable was the Allen Carr book, & the Jason Vale smoking app, no amount of patches, gum/vapes could stop me smoking for even a day but combining the book & app I haven’t looked back - seeing as I was so sceptical I’m amazed at myself . It’s soo bloomin hard to quit please don’t beat yourself up, you’ll get there. I read about a leading UK paediatrician who said of smoking, booze & weed the one that he’s say is the worst for baby is booze - not that i’m advocating you smoke but pat yourself on the back for cutting down from 30 & not drinking.

Wishing you all the luck giving up & a fab life with your upcoming bundle of joy. X

Melanie17 profile image
Melanie17 in reply to michelle1973

Thank you so much for your advice it’s really appreciated I was constantly beating myself up about it because Iv failed but people have said you are putting way to much pressure on yourself which I have been now iv chilled out a bit I’m finding it easier I haven’t completely quit yet but I know deep down I will in time so I am trying xxx

Sieh profile image

How are doing with the smoking honey. Have you tried the vape that looks like a cigarette. According to NHS the nictone by itself is relatively harmless. Don't stress yourself though, your not the first and not the last person to of smoked pregnant.

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