Is this normal? I was very nauceous when i had my first. This time none at all? Does that mean the sex of the baby will be different?? All looked fine on 12w scan. Ty
12 weeks pregnant and no sickness - Pregnancy and Par...
12 weeks pregnant and no sickness
Every pregnancy is different, I had 4 and I was really nauseous with 2 of them (both boys), I had no symptoms at all with our third child, a girl (I still had periods as well so didn't find out with her until I was 17 weeks) and the last one, another girl, I had a little nausea and was actually sick one day, just the once.
I'll just say you have a 50:50 chance of each 😉 good luck, you should be able to find out at your 20 week scan xx
I had no sickness with either pregnancy. First one I felt a little nauseous, but not enough to cause any issues. I think there was one occasion I felt nauseous to go to the bathroom, thinking I could be sick, but nothing happened. That was a boy. I’m now 40+3 weeks with no.2 and had no sickness or nausea at all. Don’t know what sex this one will be, though! My money’s on another boy, although my 2.5 yr old is adamant he’s having a sister!
For some it is normal to not have sickness . Lots of love and all the best xx