I'm pregant hpt an doctors did a ultrasound an nothing is showing up everybody saying I'm just to early but I'm worried
Help: I'm pregant hpt an doctors did a... - Pregnancy and Par...

Do you know how many weeks you are?
Best to wait to till 6/7 weeks for the scan... only then can they see heartbeat well.
In meantime..if worried .. check blue line on urine test getting darker each few days, or check hcg doubling every two days through a blood test.. in a normal pregnancy it should keep doubling every 2 days at least in 1st trimester
I was the same, went for an early scan as I had a medically managed miscarriage last time as I had no heart beat at my 12 week scan, first scan showed sac and no baby second was a bigger sac and third was a baby and I am now 10 weeks
It's really tough to say if everything is OK or not. From personal experience every time has been different with my pregnancies and also miscarriages. I know its so tough to do but you just have to wait and see at the next scan. I hope it's really good news for you x
Please don't worry. You might be ok. Scan could be too early or you may have miscarried. Another scan should be offered after 2 weeks but the waiting game is agony! I wouldn't recommend an early scan (before 12 weeks) unless you're bleeding. Good luck x