I'm 21 weeks and havnt felt hardly any movement, is this normal?! Most people say because it's my first I will feel it later but just want to be sure. Had my 20 week scan a week ago and he was moving around just fine just cautious I can't feel it
Not much movement : I'm 21 weeks and... - Pregnancy and Par...
Not much movement

Hello dear!
I wonder: were the movements much distinct before or you just saw on the screen the baby moving?
I must say from my experience: first flutters noticed at week 16, then kicks @ 17 and rolling @ 18 (nearly threw up when that happened as it was something super weird), but around week 19 there were less movements for 2 weeks. We had our 20 week scan and baby was moving lots, so I was less worried. However, for past 2 weeks (since week 22) my bump has grown so much that now I can watch him / film him kicking these days.
In your 20 week scan file it says where your placenta is based-attached. If it's at the front then you might feel little movements through out all pregnancy (remember: some women don't know they are pregnant until last month and give birth to healthy babies)
Some women specially with first pregnancy start to feel proper movements at week 25,
However, if there are decreased movements and you're concern then best is to call the midwife and get it checked out.
good luck,x
With my son, I only felt flutters from about week 16 or 17 then I didn't feel kicks or movements until mid to late 20s. That's quite common for a first pregnancy!
Did they say where your placenta was?
I had huge movements by that stage but my friend didn't because of where her placenta was
With my first I felt her first time at 20 weeks, but at this stage it's not a regular thing as they are still v. Small and have lots of space to swim around
I had an anterior placenta and barely ever felt my baby move so was constantly worried ! Thankfully had him in October and he just turned 5 months now. He's my first and I felt his first movements around 26 weeks.