So 40 plus one went for a sweep this morning apparently 2cms dilated already but not had any strong Contractions, had what I thought was Braxton hicks on and off for about a week or so was wondering how long it could be till I go into labour? Apparently cervix are soft and really squashy so she has to be ready soon right?
Am I ready?: So 40 plus one went for a... - Pregnancy and Par...
Am I ready?
It's a waiting game I'm afraid go for a walk have some fun times with ur partner and eat a curry. Good luck Hun
Is this your first baby? How are you feeling today?
Yeah my first baby, currently in jessops because baby isn't moving as much so being monitored at the moment Contractions lasted all night quite painful but not unbearable died off after I got a few hours sleep but starting to pick up again I think, so seeing how the day progresses
Fingers crossed for you!
First baby's often take the longest and so for you to be 2cm at 40 weeks and a day is already impressive. What you need to do is get your oxytocin/love hormone flowing. Ask your partner for a massage, loving touch is an excellent way to increase oxytocin. You can also try stimulating your nipples, sounds crazy I know but it really works.
Already on it, but been in hospital all day, they can see my Contractions but they're not strong at the moment, baby movements are reduced so ctg been passed onto consultants for review, it's way too busy in jessops so they sent me home to have some food etc they're not sure if they going to Induce me if I haven't started by then
I hope it all goes well. It sounds as if you may be in slow labour x
I think so too, just lost a huge chunk of plug too when I got back but cramps died down I reckon it will be next few days

Hello how r u? Has baby come yet? Becca x
no sign of baby, after being in triage they sent me home and said they were going to ring me and forgot, got to go for a scan but cant arrange it till tomorrow so not sure whats happening, still having odd tightenings and just constantly loosing mucus type discharge and my stomach has gone rock hard apart from that not really progressed that much ahah

Strange! Hopefully u will get somewhere tomorrow, best of luck x
Having a few painful Contractions but between 7-15 mins ranging from small to longer ones not too painful at the moment but hopefully it's the start but not too hopeful to be honest haha
Been having Contractions all day but still very irregular and getting quite painful feel really strong like period pains and then it tightens and moves up to my belly but don't feel like my tummy is tightening properly, but not sure how it's supposed to be its more painful in bottom of uterus rather than higher up in tummy, had a hot shower and paracetamol and terms machine and pains have eased slightly but any advice am I in labour? I hope so as they want to Induce me as early as tomorrow if there's a bed

Hi how r u? Any sign of baby, hope all is well! X
Aww bless you. Just read the thread and you sound like you've been through hoops. I hope baby has arrived and that's why you've quiet. Hope its a no news is good news situation and all is well.
Hello lovelies, athena grace Fleetwood weighs 7lbs 2 ounces, born at 430 on 21St Feb, no pain relief except cocodamol until pushing as I was fully dilated when arriving at hospital, had forceps delivery which was totally normal however lost 2 pints of blood when my uterus wouldn't stop contracting so been a very poorly mama had 4 blood transfusions had all lines taken out today so getting on the mend but had a lot of stitches up I. There lol

Congratulations, pleased she's here! Sorry to hear about all ur issues since, still bet it's worth it! X
Definately is hopefully we will be home at the weekend xd can't wait
Congratulations and well done to you. Hope you are making a good recovery. X
Just about still really loud blood count and on anti blood cl I t injections but as soon as me and baby are in a routine we will be OK thanks
See if you can get some iron tablets off them if they haven't already given them you already as the loss in blood makes you instantly anaemic. I lost a lot think it was also around 2 after my first and I know how it completely wipes you out. Hope you get well soon and hope you are being looked after x