9w+6d days pregnant with twins and sy... - Pregnancy and Par...

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9w+6d days pregnant with twins and symptoms stopped 5 days ago. Should I panic?

MofM profile image
26 Replies


This pregnancy is the result of 6 years of infertility, 6 fresh IVF cycles, and 10 embryos transferred and I am equally overjoyed and overanxious.

As the title says, all my symptoms (nausea, tiredness, sore boobs) stopped suddenly last Wednesday (9w+1d), after an early scan (8w+6d) that confirmed two strong heartbeats.

I spend the weekend on Google, where I found a mix of "not worry, mine also disappeared and went back with a vengeance a few days/weeks later" and "this was the only sign of my silent miscarriage, I am so sorry for you".

I have no pain, no bleeding. I feel absolutely normal.

My next antenatal scan will be in 20 days (12 weeks scan with the NHS antenatal team), and I am now wondering if I should book a reassurance scan for the end of this week.

Has anyone had any experience or word of wisdom regarding this?

Thanks a lot xxx


UPDATE: I booked a reassurance scan today (10w+4d) and both twins are doing well and were very active during the scan! I am posting the update in case some other anxious soul comes this way!

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MofM profile image
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26 Replies
XOXO13 profile image


Firstly, congratulations 🐣 🐣

Everyone is really different, not everyone has symptoms whilst others have so many. With my first pregnancy, I had every symptom under the sun and yet I lost that pregnancy. With my current pregnancy (also twins), I had no symptoms in the early few weeks and I was paranoid about it as well. I asked the doctor and she reassured me that not everyone gets symptoms and due to me being on steroids and other meds, a lot of that also masks symptoms.

I would say that if you’re worried about it, then a reassurance scan would totally be worth it. I had scans every week for the first twelve weeks which helped my anxiety too!

Sending you lots of luck 🍀 xx

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to XOXO13

You are right, all pregnancies are different! What worried me is that I had symptoms from about 6 weeks to 9w and then the day after I woke up completely fine. I may have read too many sad stories in the past few years (including mine) but I definitely freaked out!

Anyway, I just called a clinic near my house that does reassurance scans and booked for Saturday morning 🤞🤞🤞

Lyra01 profile image

Congratulations! 💕 I too am 9w+4 and am due my 12 week scan around the same time. I put up a post on here as like yourself I have been anxious (4weeks of bleeding) and was thinking about a reassurance scan. Everyone was lovely and told me to go for it if it would help my anxiety, so I'm going today 😊 so, if it will keep your anxiety at bay until 12 weeks, do it! I didn't have any symptoms for a few days last week either, but they came back with a vengeance two days ago, and I was back of plain pasta and 8pm bedtimes. It is likely they will come back but do what you need to do to look after your own wellbeing. Xx

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Lyra01

Congratulations to you too 💕💕

I cannot believe I am saying this, but I really want my symptoms back. I was also eating plain pasta/potatoes, sleeping with a bucket near me, and feeling very miserable, but this psychological misery is even worse.

Just called a clinic near my house that does reassurance scans. The first available appointment was for Saturday morning, but I already feel much reassured 🤞🤞🤞

Let me know how your scan goes 🤞🤞🤞

Lyra01 profile image
Lyra01 in reply to MofM

I'm so pleased that you are already feeling a little better now the scan is scheduled. Mine is in a few hours and I'm so nervous! Please let me know how yours goes.... I'm sure everything will be fine and this will keep you going to the next scan. Let me know how yours goes too! X

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Lyra01

How did your scan go? I have everything crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞 xxxx

Lyra01 profile image
Lyra01 in reply to MofM

The scan went well!! Baby is okay. They found a hematoma which is why I'm still bleeding. I'm so pleased I paid and went. Please let me know how yours goes on Saturday xx

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Lyra01

I am so happy for you!!!! 💕💕💕

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to MofM

My scan went well too!!! Both twins have a strong heartbeat and they were also very active. Definitely money well spent!

Sending hugs xxx

Lyra01 profile image
Lyra01 in reply to MofM

Thank you for letting me know. I was thinking of you on Saturday 💕❤️💕

Shem008 profile image

If you are worried and the anxiety will get worse with not knowing then book a scan. I unfortunately did have a miscarriage a few weeks after my symptoms lessened with my first pregnancy. It doesn’t mean that is the case for you - your body could be very good at adapting to the changes in hormones! But if you are worried definitely book a scan for your own piece of mind. Fingers crossed for you xxx

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Shem008

I am so sorry for your loss.

Something similar happened with my first IVF pregnancy. I had symptoms from ~4.5 weeks (very early, I know, but my hormone levels were sky high), then stopped suddenly at 6 weeks and I miscarried 5 days later. What kept me going now is the fact that they managed to see a heartbeat, while last time what they saw was an empty sac.

Anyway, I have now booked a reassurance scan with a clinic near my home for Saturday morning 🤞

Twiglet2 profile image

Go for the early scan if you’re worried and can afford it (that’s what I did) as there is no point torturing yourself now that it’s in your head. You already know from google it could be something or nothing and no matter how many people tell you it’s fine you will probably still be anxious until you see them on the screen 🥰🤗 (ps I had monthly scans with the nhs as was on ‘red path’ as it was an IVF baby and STILL went for several private scans all the way through if I was starting to worry in between as it helped my anxiousness and it’s a fairly common thing I hear) xx

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Twiglet2

Yeah, I think it is the best thing to do. I have now booked a reassurance scan with a private clinic near my house. It is not cheap, but definitely cheaper than the IVF clinic and another private clinic I used with another (miscarried) pregnancy.

I should not have Googled it, but I don't think even that would have helped 😅

To be on the 'red path' you must have had really a scary pregnancy. You are definitely a warrior, I wished I had your strength 🤗

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to MofM

We are all warriors 🤗 after 10 weeks my pregnancy was normal but they just kept me on that path just in case as ‘why not’ keep an extra eye on him. I didn’t argue lol hoping your scan goes well lovely xx

Mai94 profile image

I think you need to do anything to relive your anxiety. I had my clinic scan, one a week later to ensure we had twins and not triplets following a double transfer, and then booked a private at 10 weeks to get me through to the the 12 and it helped a lot!Everywhere you read, here or Google, you will get a mixture of responses lovely it’s so hard because no one knows so if you need the scan go for it girl!

I had symptoms come and go a lot, the day before my OTD my extremely sore boobs just suddenly felt absolutely normal! They came and went for weeks!

Good luck xx

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Mai94

After a lot of thought, we agreed with you that stress is worse than everything and we should do anything to relieve our anxiety. I have now booked a private scan for Saturday (the first available appointment).

I also had a scan a 6w+6d and again at 8w+6d, and while the first was very welcomed (we wanted to see our embryos) the second one was extremely stressful (I wasn't sure I could cope with bad news). We will have now one at 10w+4d and again 12w+3d (NHS) and I should get ready to have more, considering my anxiety levels!

Thanks for your answer!

Cookies7 profile image

Hey firstly congratulations. Secondly I was the exact same felt like I wasn't pregnant. I don't think you should worry yourself too much. You can give your midwife a call and tell them how you feel. I didn't feel pregnant until later in the first trimester /start of second when I started feeling alittle movement from baby. The first trimester can be the toughest as you have no idea what's going on as you can't feel anything. I had very less symptoms and was stressed but every womens body is different some women get really less symptoms the whole way. I'm literally ones of those I'm 26 weeks all I had mild nausea that's it. No sore breasts, no morning sickness, not even cravings for any particular foods.

But if its stressing you that much have a word with them. Because ultimately stress isn't going to do you any good. ♥

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Cookies7

I called the midwife on Friday but she was not very reassuring. She says that if there is no bleeding and no pain it should be normal. I did not like the "should be". I appreciate that every pregnancy is different and they cannot give anyone certainty, but she sounded everything but reassuring 😅

What worried me is that I had very strong symptoms from about 6 weeks to 9w (feeling actually quite miserable) and then the day after I woke up completely fine. I may have read too many sad stories in the past few years (including mine) but I definitely freaked out!

I have now booked a private scan. You are definitely right: stress isn't going to do me any good. If the news is good, great. If it is bad, better now that in 2 weeks time 🤞

Cookies7 profile image
Cookies7 in reply to MofM

I think you did the right thing to book in a scan privately. But I think you're going to be fine. Good luck for the scan.

CJohns profile image

I’m 9.3 weeks and lost symptoms (nausea and food aversion about ten days ago). I’d also had severe cramps for 2-3 weeks from around 5-7 weeks, which miraculously just stopped. I had a private scan yesterday and I was adamant that it would be bad news, but he/she was absolutely fine and measuring slightly bigger.

I am sure it will be fine, but the scan will certainly help reduce the anxiety for you.

Hope all goes well xx

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to CJohns

This is reassuring, thanks for sharing! Now I am looking forward to Saturday and the scan. It seems years away...

Cinderella5 profile image

Congratulations!!🥳 Glad to hear all is well. I didnt have any symptoms in my twin pregnancy and was really quite lucky looking back but it didnt stop me panicking that it wasnt normal! All the best with the rest of your pregnancy!xx

MofM profile image

Thank you! What scared me a lot was that symptoms went from crazy to zero overnight, but now that I know the twins are doing well I really welcome the nausea-free days, normal-feeling boobs and the ability to stay kind of awake at least until 8pm 😂 Do you ever manage to relax after all the IVF cycles? Do I need to get used to the constant worry? Or, at some point, I will start to enjoy the pregnancy?

How are you doing? And how are your twins boys? xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to MofM

Hmmm I dont think I really enjoyed any of my pregnancy if I'm honest.😬 I dont think I even really believed it at all so when they arrived I kind of went into a state of shock. I couldn't get my head round the fact I had a baby never mind two! I'm perhaps not thr best person to ask as we got bad news that my Mum had cancer on the day of my csection and everything was all a bit up in the air. She has since passed away sadly but I dont think it did much for my baby experience. However having said that the boys are thriving and getting really well.🥰 I do hope that it's different for you and you cna enjoy your pregnancy once things get a bit further along.xxx

MofM profile image

I am so sorry about your Mum. I know first-hand that learning to live with the emptiness a mother leaves takes a lot of time. Hoping things are getting better, and the boys will help you in filling a bit this void.

Regarding not believing it, I am definitely the same. We saw them moving during the scan, but I cannot connect the fact that these two frogs are living inside my belly and not on the screen 😬 We will see how it goes, it is still a long way to go!

Sending love xxx

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