i havent had my period this month & i took a pregnancy test about two weeks ago but it came back negative /: do i keep taking more ?
i need advice..: i havent had my period... - Pregnancy and Par...
i need advice..

It can sometimes take up after two weeks after your missed period try taking first response pregnancy test

okay! thank you!
So how late are you now? If you are 2 weeks late now I would definitely retake the pregnancy test, using first morning urine.
I am 5 months pregnant and it took three weeks for a test to come back as positive. I did 4 tests in the end and only the 4th had a clear positive line, so wait a few days and try again, and again!
took a test this morning & it was still negative ... should i keep taking them? how far apart did you take them?
Two of the tests I did were around a week apart from each other. I found it annoying waiting but I knew that I had to be pregnant. I have been pregnant before and felt pregnant this time despite the tests often coming back negative. It really did surprise me how long it took to see a positive result on a test, so much so that when I had calculated how many weeks I was to begin with it was way ahead of my actual weeks. Wait a while before you test again. And look after yourself in the meantime
Speak to your doctor so you can get a blood test and if it's still negative try and find out why you are so Late