Hi!! I'm 21 weeks pregnant. Nowadays I feel my tongue is so dry there is no wet when I sleeping. I wake in the night and drink some water. But in the days I feel normal. What's the reason for this? Anyone help me?
Problems : Hi!! I'm 21 weeks pregnant... - Pregnancy and Par...
I dont know the reason, but I'm 15+3 and have been thirsty for weeks during the night. I sometimes drink 3 pints during the night. Your body needs more fluids than usual. If I have about two pints before I go to bed, this helps to hydrate me for the night!
Dont realy know what the reason is. Maybe do a bit of internet research or ask your doctor. Try a bit of chewing gum that may help or see yor doctor n ask if you can use some sort of mouth spray. That May work but make sure its safe to use In pregnancy. We r 80% water so keep your fluids up in the day n try n eat fruit like melon perhaps. Have less caffine if you drink lots of that. Have decaf t or try a hot water with lemon n honey to make it taste nicer. not scolding hot
Hi, I'm 20 weeks and feel exactly the same. I just don't seem to be able to get enough fluid! I just try to keep drinking water regularly during the day and keep a glass on my bedside table. If I don't I start to get a sore head.