Hello guys new here. My husband and I started to try to have a baby last year. And I am excited but worried because my last period is May 22nd. And im still waiting for it until now. I want to take a PT but am afraid it will be a negative result. Am also afraid to go to my OB.Any advice from you guys?
Worried mom to be?: Hello guys new here... - Pregnancy and Par...
Worried mom to be?

Just do it, you need to know and by now your period is d finitely late! Good luck! And don't worry xx
Hi annesia12,do a test.its the only way youll know 4 sure and if youre not and youre regular then u can address the fact tha u havent had a period.im surprised youve managed 2 wait this long!good luck,I hope its the outcome u want.xx
My dear,u don't need to be afraid of testing cos dats d only way u can b sure whether u re pregnant or not.jux do that and keep us posted.lots of luck
My last period was due on May 22nd and now i'm almost 7 week pregnant. So take a PT and call your midwife or OB cause is time to get checked very soon. I took the test on the 3rd day after my period was late so don't be afraid.
Agree with other posters Annesia12, I was nervous taking test last year too, as I miscarried first pregnancy at 7 weeks in Jan 2014 (we started trying October 2013, so was pregnant very quck first time). In the end I bit bullet in July & tested - was 2 weeks pregnant. Now I have happy, healthy 3 month old boy (born 15th April)! You'll only know if you test, go for it & go to GP or OB if you are!! Fingers X for you!
Period Tracker app said I was 2 days late in July, so that's why I tested & was only 2 weeks. Was agony waiting for scan at 8 weeks (booked early one cos of prior miscarriage), but all was well in the end. Most places won't scan til 12 weeks unless health reason to scan.
Just take one, it's been awhile the worst thing you can do is over worry and not check it out. The sooner you know, the sooner you can get things sorted if you are good luck!