Hello just thought I would introduce myself my name is Danielle .... I have recently found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant through me and my partners first attempt of ivf ... I am over the moon. It still doesn't feel real haha I have sore boobs and some cramping but the thing that's hitting me most is the tiredness anyone else shattered lol? Xx
Ivf pregnancy 5wks: Hello just thought... - Pregnancy and Par...
Ivf pregnancy 5wks

Hi hun! Massive congratulations x I'm just over 8 weeks with number 4 and I feel dreadful lol I'm so sicky and tired, only thing keeping me going is I know it will pass! I bet you are over the moon and super excited 😊 enjoy every moment even when you feel awful😁 good luck with everything xx
Yes I am pregnant myself with my ivf cycle and we are pretty much the same, I am constantly tired, bloated and looking like am 6 months gone, lower back pain. I woke up this morning with period cramps. It's just another tough journey ahead for me.
Yes it is the norm to be tired as hell not to mention in the afternoon, you can never get as much sleep. I eat myself to sleep last night and as the morning light am in the kitchen for the next meal. That's all I do eat and sleep even though last week I was extremely bloated that it looks as if I was 6 months pregnant but for the pass few days I notice it has subside a lot.
Hi Danielle, just thought I'd offer my congratulations. We are now the proud parents of baby Theo, born 9wks ago. He is an IVF baby and we had to go to a clinic in Athens for our treatment as I was the wrong side of 45 for treatment in England. It's worth all the effort in the believe me. Enjoy your pregnancy.x
Hi congrats!! so happy for you U must be thrilled coz I certainly was when I was told last week that I'm pregnant!! It's my third ivf cycle, 1st cycle was a chemical pregnancy and 2nd didn't reach to egg collection. However third time lucky I'm 5weeks now and having an early scan next week! My beta was soooo high 1886 after 13dpt...! Feel sick sometimes, very bloated, period cramps every now and then and restless nights! Also keep running to the toilet quiet often! But not complaining, been waiting for this a long time
So going to enjoy it xxx