I am 36 years old and found out I was pregnant. I also have huge fibroids that's making it hard for the doctors to see or even hear a heartbeat. I have been told that I was having a miscarriage so I've been now for two months going to the bathroom watching and still bleeding. They tried to do a D & C on me but they said I stopped breathing on the table and ended up in ICU. They want to give me pills next week to help me miscarry but I just feel like my babies are still alive. Yes, I said babies because they finally saw sacs and it was two. So now I'm confused and don't know what to do. Please some advice thank you in advance
Not sure what to do: I am 36 years old... - Pregnancy and Par...
Not sure what to do
I'm a great believer in going with your gut instinct as "in my opinion" it's an unique individual tool we all possess when we're in doubt about something.
If you feel as if there's a possible chance your babies are still progressing into a successful pregnancy you should seek help from an NHS urgent care centre which provides help and advice from fully qualifies G.P's & nurses or as they're now closed you could maybe try giving the non-emergency No. ( 111) a ring & explaining your circumstances.
I wish you the best.
Hi there
You should ask for another scan to be on a safe side. I also miscarried in Nov 2012 and before the d & c asked for another scan to be on a safe side that they were 100 % correct. No harm in checking and I am sure they will understand. Please don't take anything until the scan that is the only way you can know for sure. All the best.
If you can, get an emergency second opinion. Call your GP and ask for an emergency referal to a hospital you trust - you have a right to be refered to any specialist across the whole country. Hopefully then you'll receive the advice you can trust to enable you to know you're making the right decision either way. Keep in touch - please don't think that you're alone - you're not. Please.
I would definitely seek a 2nd opinion! Private if you can afford it! There are often offers on groupon for private scans! Xx