Hi everyone its been a while my sons almost 12 weeks and I was bleeding for 7 weeks it seemed to go from heavy to light then heavy with a lot of clots through out. Health visitor told me it wasn't normal but my gp said it was fine. I've not had a period yet and feel bloated often and get really bad spasms down below is this normal?
Postnatal worries. : Hi everyone its... - Pregnancy and Par...
Postnatal worries.

I don't think that's normal..you need to see another gp
Here's our information. We also have a helpline if you need further info: nct.org.uk/parenting/blood-...
Hi there
Do get a second opinion. It is been 12 weeks and what you are describing is not normal.
Best wishes.
hi there, just wondering whether you have had a second opinion on this. I am still bleeding after 8 weeks though no clots. Would be interested to hear whether everything turned out to be okay, I hope it did, although does sound like you have something that needs treatment xx
Hi I went back yesterday and was told its normal the pain I get is my womb contracting. I'm not really convinced as I didn't have it with my first. She said breastfeeding can prolong bleeding and once it stops can prevent periods so not to worry.
hi, thank for getting back to me. Like you, I am not convinced by what your doc has said, but fingers crossed all sorts itself out for you!!