Firstly thank you ladies for all of your support and well wishes, but unfortunately I'm having a delayed misscarage, they found a yoke sac but no baby this time! Although I will grieve for what might have been, at least this time I didn't have to wave goodbye to a baba so I've been spared that at least. Things have now started naturally so no intervention needed. I'm not giving up! My 17 month old is proof that it's worth trying again. Thanks ladies xxxx
Another sad day: Firstly thank you... - Pregnancy and Par...
Another sad day

im so sorry for your loss, I could feel your sorrow and heartache coming through to me just by reading this post,
as you said your LO is proof that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you and gives you more reason to try again.
so very sorry to hear this, your strength is an inspiration xx
Just wanted to say I'm so sorry - I've just been through a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks after seeing a heartbeat at a previous scan so definitely share your pain and sorrow. Like you I won't give up, it's what makes us stronger and will make things more perfect when they do work out for us x
Look after yourself, I was very forceful with the doctors on waiting for nature to take its course rather than medical intervention, my stubbornness ended up with me in an ambulance so please do get help from the doctors if you need it! x
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, it is very heartbreaking. Be strong and it is normal to grieve for your loss whatever age they were. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks in Nov 2012 and It was very difficult. I wanted nature to take its course and waited a week with no results, I then ended up having an ERPC/ emanual evacuation of retained products of conception under general Anaeasthetic, which went very well. I was home on the same day. I then allowed myself to grieve and come to terms with the loss. Thanks to God and my loving Family I then gained the strength to try again. I am now 14 plus 5 days. Having Children is always proof that it is more than worth it, as they are constant reminders of what you can have when things go right. I wish you the very best and God bless you.
Hi ladies, Thankyou once againg for your kid wired and awsome support. After loosing the last baba at 10 + 1. I'm proud to say I'm pregnant again and have reached 11+ 4 today , just hoping and waiting for good scan news! I'm getting excited and a little nervous but I'm staying positive, and hope that those who have had similar losses don't give up. Because good things can still happen xxxx much love to you all ladies
I'm really sorry to hear this. Stay strong, and don't give up! X
Sorry to hear that, sending you lots is love x
Thankyou ladies, after waiting hours in the waiting room with no pain relief I wasseen , an was passing what needed to be passed, given some medical, help for what was left ( tablets which happened the next day. I pleased to task that I'm eight weeks pregnant now and ( fingers crossed it wil be ok) just holding on for that magic 12 weeks! I did think of getting a viability scan but I've been through the heartbeat, then no heartbeat situation before. Wish me luck so far soar boobs and a need for curry / chill, and vinegar xxx much love and positive wishes to all of you xxxx