How many scans do you have during pregnancy
How many scans do you have during pre... - Pregnancy and Par...
How many scans do you have during pregnancy

Hi there,
Usually you only have two - the dating scan, which is around 12 weeks and also screens for Downs Syndrome and one at around 20 weeks which checks for anomalies (and you might be able to find out the gender if you want to). Sometimes extra scans are needed later on, to check positioning or growth (for example, if you're near your due date and the MW can't determine the position, or if she can't tell if the baby has grown)
I loved seeing my little girl on screen, made it so much more real! X

Many thanks for the reply. can you request another scan if I want to make sure everything is alright with the baby
If you've got any concerns, you'll be able to discuss them with your MW and at the scans. If anything was to be picked up, you'd be offered another scan and anything unusual would be discussed with you. Is there anything in particular you're worried about? X
Nothing specific but just to check the baby's growth in 7 months. Can I request it or will it just be declined
I think there's no harm in asking Good luck! X
I've got a complicated condition and at 9 weeks I've already had two scans with another at 12 weeks. I haven't met my MW yet, assuming she'll be different at every visit but so far my GP and consultant have bent over backwards to allay my fears - can you talk to your GP if you don't have faith in your MW? I've also been reading up on what's to come and note that you can pay for a scan privately at any stage and there's also this cool doppler you can buy online which works with a free app on your phone which allows you to listen and record the babies heart beat from month 5. Sorry I can't be of more help at mo. Good Luck with everything