Hey, i took 28 pregnancy test and two blood tests. N all came out negative... I always knew that i had to be pregnant becuz i had all the symptoms... My period never came for four months so i went to the doctor n he did a ultrasound n cum to find out i was 6 months pregnant.. So to anyone with the same problem jus have faith...
I believe im pregnant : Hey, i took 2... - Pregnancy and Par...
I believe im pregnant

I dont really understand your question.. If your doctor gave you a scan and a due date, you are infact pregnant. I was 31 + 5 when I 'found out' I was pregnant. At 4 weeks, I had a massive bleed and doctors said I miscarried to find out months later that I was still pregnant and I did infact miscarry the twin, they just missed the sac of my now born child. I wouldn't call it a problem, unless you do not want a child. Then there is the option of adoption, also if you do not want to be a mother, I would recomend the iud or implant once this child is born.
from my interpretation this lady is urging any other women who are sure they are pregnant despite being told otherwise to have faith and trust their own instinct xx
I have taken several tests all negative and a blood test. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for months your post gave me a little more confidence that I still have a chance of being pregnant!
What was the reason you kept having negative test results?
Hi Shanice19 thanks for your post as it gave me some courage but my question to you is, Where u bloated all during the period of time while doing all d tests?
Did u had any symptoms at all?
Awaiting your reply.
Yes ... But didn't know y I was bloated. N having all these symptoms if my tests were cumin out negative but I had hope .. N just by a ultrasound the doctor find a baby
Hi, I am 42 years old and have always been regular as clockwork with my cycles since the age of 9. I haven't had a period for the last 11 weeks well its Tuesday today and on next Sunday it will be 12 weeks. 4 x HPT say negative so went to GP. she has run an array of blood tests after thinking I can't be pregnant but may be starting the menopause or have PCOS. after a lot of female reproductive hormone tests they have found nothing wrong at all (fab news to me and hubbie who are childless). Have only now this week had an appointment made for Thursday too have a blood test for pregnancy ordered by my GP despite telling her I have these new symptoms that I have never felt before so finally hopefully I will have an answer one way or another soon. Its totally doing our heads in with not knowing we keep getting all hopeful and talking about our daughter to be then have to ground ourselves in case we are not blessed. Its such a hard time I just hope and pray that Thurs blood test will show something definite. I don't know neither does my doc what can cause a period which is always regular to stop for 3 months...I'm so pleased you never gave up hope and I know how hard it is for us to continue this roller-coaster of emotions let alone go through all you did for so long. I'm so pleased that your dreams are coming true and just hope we are to be blessed too.
Thank you for your post it doesn't make me think I'm so crazy now
Babydust to you and yours. xx