My MIL is visiting from overseas. I'm 29 weeks pregnant, this is my third pregnancy, first 2 ended up in missed mc. We both are at such a stage where we are thankful to get pregnant and have a healthy and happy child -boy or girl. The pregancy has also not been entirely easy as I was down with sickness until 20 weeks and on heparin injections as I have a lupus anticoagulant positive. For us to be progress so far is nothing short a miracle looking at my past history and we found out its a little princess we are getting. We are overjoyed at having our own child but ever since MIL has come keeps on referring to the baby as a boy so much that at a Family dinner last nite she was holding my cousins 4 month old son and said will get a mini version of my husband! I have been very patient but now I just need to tell her off !!!! My hormones are also on a over drive and making me mad!
MIL just wants a boy!!!!! When we kno... - Pregnancy and Par...
MIL just wants a boy!!!!! When we know it's a girl

Then u should tell her in polite terms that ur very happy that ur having a girl and at having 2mc and ur health problems u feel blessed that u have a healthy baby growing inside u and her comments hurtsl so pls stop it or piss off
Well! - my thoughts are your MIL sounds like an un-greatful, immature woman to be even thinking about passing comments like that & I 100% agree with " mummymummy's" reply/comment.
The best way to go ( I think) is wait until you & your MIL are in a room together & as politely as you can tell her you are more than happy to be expecting a baby girl & if she dont like the fact that the baby may or may not look like her son she shouldn't come around anymore & as she has come from overseas she should wait for her son to come & visit her in the future.
Well it's just a bit tough isn't it for you mil, you can't change it! I'm sure when she arrives she will be thrilled, I would ham it up how much you think she looks like your oh even if she is the spit of you. Until then I would prob ask your oh to have a quite word with her, if she continues remove yourself from the social setting if possible.
My daughter is her dads double! Take away their hair and you couldn't tell the difference. But as for her remarks I would just let her know that your child is a miracle regardless of gender and if thats an issue for her then thats an issue she will have to deal with x
I agree with all the comments above. If she's annoying or or making you feel stressed, then you definitely need to say something. Do you think it's a generation thing - not that I'm making excuses or anything!? X
Thank you ladies for your responses and hearing me out
I have discussed this with my OH n if I hear once again I will set it out straight! I'm not sure if it's a generation thing, since it's the first grandchild for her I expected that she be open minded and happy irrespective if it's pink or blue as a healthy child is what essentially matters!!!
Unfortunately I lost my mom almost 5.5 years ago and I don't have her present physically to share the joy of motherhood with me. She too went through several miscarriages and had her first child after 7 years, she was more than happy to have her own and we were twin girls so she was over joyed as that was the first in our family. Her in laws that is my grandparents were happy to have girls as they just wanted to play with their grandchildren rather than be keen on a boy and upset her!
Anyways thanks so much for your responses, my due date is close to my moms birthday and I'm super excited at the prospect that she may share my moms birthday