Hi does anyone know the size of the scoops used for aptimal formula milk x
Formula milk scoop size: Hi does anyone... - Pregnancy and Par...
Formula milk scoop size

No, I don't know the actual size of the scoop used in the apitmal formula milk packs but as with every other formula milk pack sold in the U.K ( & I'm sure abroad) they're packed & sealed with a new scoop provided in every pack/ container.
Hey. I have no idea but you get a scoop inside the box x why do you need to know the size? X
I need a new one because the one I have in the packet has broken. X
Oh. Maybe you could just buy another pack and use that scoop for both?
Ring them and tell them their no should be on side of the box and also ask them the size? Hope u can find something to use in meantime what about the tablespoon measuring spoons u get from baking shops? X
Thanks everyone. Iv found out its 4.6g the I have some measuring spoons but it's a 5g one. Will I be ok to use that? Xx
I couldnt see their being a problem with using your own measuring spoon but if you dont feel very confident about that you could just buy another formula box like candiceandsesame said.
I think you've already made your mind up and were going to get a new tub of formula but just wanted to add to this that I wouldn't recommend that you use the 5g spoon you have (are you sure it's 5g and not 5ml?). Each dry ingredient would weigh differently, e.g. sugar weights more than flour so if you were to 'weigh' the spoon full of sugar against the spoon of flour, the sugar would weigh more (does that make sense?).
The amount you would need to equate to the formula would be a tad over ½ tablespoon (a proper measurement tablespoon - not the tablespoon you would use for your cereal).
Tell your fella not to be so cack-handed next time x
Think im just gonna do that and hope my other half doesn't break it xx