Woke up yesterday and my right boob was hurting tender/warm now I took a clear blue digital test last night came back pregnant 1-2 since then I took 5 more and they all came back not pregnant I'm suppose to start my period Monday am I pregnant??? Or it gave me a false positive
Can I get some of yalls opinions??.. - Pregnancy and Par...
Can I get some of yalls opinions??..

I wud say u r preg, specially as it even said u were 1-2 weeks, x

Im just confused on why the other ones all read not pregnant after the.first one read pregnant ive never.been pregnant before so im excited but just confuesed
This happend to me, depend when you took the tests if you done them all at the same time or later than the positive one, sometimes when you pee your hormones sent as strong init that's why they say first thing in the morning, sounds like you are so book a drs appointment either way
Did you do the first one first thing in the morning? Hcg levels are at their highest then as you not weed all night lol xx
No the one that I did first was the one that read postive anf I done it at like 6:30 at night but I hadnt went.ti the bathroom in a while cause I was just getting home from work. I hadnt went to.the bathroom in like 2 hours when I did that one. But woke up this morning and.done.one but.I.didnt.go to.sleep.till late last night and woke u poo at 6am to take it
I would wait a couple more days now and test again. I personally would say your pregnant as it's unlikely to get a false positive result xx
Thanks everyone