Hiya I was wondering if any could shed some light on my situation. Last Monday I found out I was pregnant. Very early. Through pregnancy tests. Then on Saturday I started bleeding and passed a small redish clot with a small seed like black thing in the middle. I am assuming it’s a miscarriage as I tested the day after and had a negative. A week later “yesterday” I took another test and it came back positive, I have done two digital clear blue tests today and both came back negative. Has anyone else been through this and still pregnant? I only bled for 2 days after the MC. Thank you xx
Miscarriage but positive pregnancy te... - Pregnancy and Par...
Miscarriage but positive pregnancy test a week later ? Loss of a twin?

I’ve had positive test for 2w after mc but they were all positive eventually fading to neg. I would test again in a few days with a pink dye test.

Hiya I’ve retested today with pink and it’s come up positive. The thing is after the mc I was getting negs. Then yesterday I got positive. I’ve been to the doctors today and they’ve done blood tests. So I’ll see what happens Thursday x
Good luck
Good luck xx
Just wanted to share good wishes, and also point out that some clotting and even red blood doesn’t necessarily mean a miscarriage. I had a heavy period very early in my pregnancy and also thought I’d lost the baby. When I went to the hospital the baby was there - little sac, heartbeat etc. There was some free fluid in my womb causing the bleeding. It went away after a few days and I now have a 9 month old. Definitely go to the early pregnancy unit if you’re still getting positives in a few days. First response is best, digital didn’t show up my pregnancy in the early stages either.
Are you sure it was a mc or just a small bleed? I had a mc and had positive tests still 3 weeks after. If you’re early on I would go to doctors and they will get you into the early pregnancy unit to do a scan. Good luck
Hi everyone. Just an update really.
Went to the doctors again as had severe back pain, they told me my levels had gone down from the bloods they had taken. And as for the positives it could be because I had a kidney infection? Really emotional at the moment. I didn’t think you could get 7 fake positives from an infection. Thank you for your support though xx