Weaning advice...: Hey All! LO is... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Weaning advice...

10 Replies

Hey All!

LO is 6 months and been having purées, baby rice and porridge since 4.5 months. He's now comfortably enjoying 3 good size meals a day but since introducing 2 mixed veggies for lunch has started throwing up a bit after his last 2 bottles of the day (never really been a sicky baby) . Currently he still has 5 bottles of 7oz or 200mls in 24hrs!!

I've just had a read of Annabel Karmel online suggesting when they have 3 meals start reducing their milk to around 600mls in total - LO currently has 1000mls!!

No wonder he's being sick?? Greedy monkey!

Any ideas how I start to reduce his milk? If I let him he just drinks the whole lot and is then sick all over me and him (just milk).

After 6 months of making sure he gets enough milk it's a bit scary trying to think of getting him to have less!!!

I would ask HV but tbh she's pretty useless so far!!xx

10 Replies

Hey. When my son starts eating 3 meals a day, I'm basically going to either reduce the milk I offer or take a bottle out. He already is losing in interest in milk, wanting solids. When he has lunch....which so far has been the only meal get has, he gets a 5oz bottle to accompany it instead of 8oz he usually want. I'll be giving him a bottle in the morning, followed shortly by breakfast. Then lunch, with either some milk at first or just water. Same deal with dinner. Then his night bottle. Overall he'll be getting 21oz of milk roughly a day to start with.... which I think sounds about right. Introducing a drink with a meal can break it up a bit. He is a greedy monkey your little one lol. James likes quite a big meal so his milk intake is lessening naturally x

I've always tended to give milk first then solids so he wasn't starving but then the little toad has it all!!

He's had slightly less milk today and good size meals and so far so good! He'll prob wake up in an hour thinking I've starved the poor monkey!!!xx

in reply to

Haha! I'm finding it quite confusing to strike a good balance. All a bit of trial and error...my life story lol! Today he had his usual 7oz little but in two halves as he still feels a touch unwell. Lunch at 1 of banana and strawberry porridge with some juice after. 5oz bottle at 3. Dinner of cauliflower and broccoli cheese grossness lol and then apple and blueberry for dessert. Again with some juice (though tomorrow I'll give him water) and he will have his normal 9oz bottle. Seemed to go ok.....we shall see haha!! x

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Def sounds like James in taking to his solids well!! Poor little Eoin doesn't get any dessert!

Just starting to vary things now. It's def a minefield!

It doesn't matter how much I feed Eoin he still wakes up for his bottle in the night (I do put him to bed at 7pm though). He always settles well so can't complain too much! See how the babas sleep tonight!!x

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Yh James has completely regressed with his sleeping and now since having his cold will not sleep in his cot at all!! :O just have to go with it and take it one day at a time all the while praying we can get him back to some decent sleep pattern. Poor little thing is knackered! So is mummy haha. Still doesn't want a feed at night though even when he is constantly waking x

in reply to

Bless him, I think you just have to tell yourself that it will pass (hopefully sooner rather than later for Mummy)! Have tried delaying Eoin during night to check it's not habit etc...but he's adamant he wants that bottle - I'm sure he drinks it all out of protest!!

in reply to

Lol! He's a little man who knows what he wants! x

ritz21 profile image

I am in exactly the same position as you. Isabella is 6 months, its only recently we weaned her so meals are not yet established. But after every meal I am offering her milk and she is taking it as well only to feel sick later or have tummy ache (because its been too much).

My HV said to reduce the milk, but somehow I get uncomfortable with that idea. So I am atm feeding at demand, if she is cranky i fix her a meal if she is still cranky i fix her a bottle. I also think Isabella dont really take food as something to fill her stomach (that association is still with milk) and she enjoys being on dinning table because food disappearing in mouth is so funny (so we get lots of laughters too)

She takes 28 to 37 Oz of Formula per day depending upon how much she ate (weights between 7.5 to 8 Kgs, approx. bathroom scale weighting)

I have also shifted to stage 3 formula as the Iron and Vitamin D content in it is more (iron is almost double than the stage 1 formula) so that keeps my mind at peace

SharonJess profile image

I just did the sane with my baby girl and just went cold turkey with her night bottle. She didn't even noticed. Does your lo get a night bottle?

July02 profile image

Hi, Were weaning our little one too! At first I kept her at 4 bottles a day of 240 mils but I found that LO was leaving her milk. She now has 3 bottles a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one before bed. Generally an hour after I have given her food. Its all learning as we go im afraid!

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