Is it too early to give solids? - Pregnancy and Par...

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Is it too early to give solids?

sugar123 profile image
15 Replies

My son is 4 months old. I just want to know is too early to give solids

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sugar123 profile image
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15 Replies
kjam123 profile image


Although most baby food products suggest babies from 4months+ can eat them, I believe it's just a marketing strategy. My doctor told me that a baby's digestive system isnt developed enough to manage food before 6months. So I would recommend waiting a little longer; you'll save money after all. Though some larger babies, who get hungrier than smaller babies can usually start to be weaned a little earlier. Although it's exciting to introduce new flavours and foods to your baby, I would hang on a bit.

Hope this helps



At 4 months of age a baby's digestive system is not mature enough for solids but this shouldn't stop you from giving your baby fine puree'd foods.

Many supermarkets sell these baby food pouches with a recommendation of 1st stage foods for babies of 4 months

You could maybe try him with Lil tasters of these & then you could delay the solid foods till at least 6 months old.

My son is 5 months and has porridge now..I hav also made up my own purees to give him..its ur child u kno ur lo one best so do what you feel comfortable with. .x

2princes1princess profile image

Hi hun although they say weaning from 6mths I know many people that have started at 4. I personally waited till 6mths with mine. Its your choice and your baby and you got to do what's right for you there a reason why you thinking of trying solids? Xx

jubbly profile image

Every baby is different. My boy is 4 months, and I've just started him on baby rice (made really thin) just a little spot at breakfast time! Cow and gate do a free weaning guide, which is handy! It tells you the signs to look for, as baby will let u know when he's ready! Also handy recipes. My little one showed an interest in what we were eating (kicking his legs and squealing) quite early. When I was young, my mother had me on baby rice from 6 weeks. And my grandmother had my dad on baby rice at the same time! As previously said, you know ur baby best! X

tnct profile image

Baby centre has a good weaning plan too.

Coeny-em profile image

The often quoted 6 months has a lot to do with the fact that public health policy is to encourage mothers to breast feed for a baby's first 6 months. My baby has cleft palate so he was never able to breast feed and has to use a special bottle. One of his medical team who advises on nutrition and feeding advised that I could start giving him puréed fruit and veg any time from 4 months on. I started him on solids at 4 months and he took to it like a duck to water. My wee man is now 8 months old and will be having surgery to repair his palate next month. I'm so glad I started when I did, it has been a lovely experience. He now eats fish, meat, spinach and all sorts of foods and has a better diet than most adults I know. He is an absolute monster for toast though, just like his mum! Good luck. X

Coeny-em profile image
Coeny-em in reply to Coeny-em

Also, I just wanted to add that feeding solids to a baby need not cost a lot, especially if you avoid the expensive baby aisles. There are lots of recipes online and the Annabel Karmel book of recipes is great.

in reply to Coeny-em

I've just ordered one of her books thanks to ceribean's recommendation :-) x

in reply to Coeny-em

Def agree I spent £8 on veg but hav made 2 weeks worth of purees using annabel karmel book..very useful x

Hey my son started having baby porridge from 4 months....he was always watching me eat, trying to grab stuff and making chewing movements with his mouth while he watched me. He instantly took to it though I've been taking the transition slowly....he has different flavours of the porridge and stuff and teeny tasters of my food too. He is just over 5 months now. Each baby is different and some do really want more than just milk a little bit earlier than 6 mths x

MadCatLady465 profile image

They do say now 6 months, but when my eldest was born (15 years ago) the recommended age was 4 months, so I started them both with little tiny amounts when they were 4 months, as my youngest baby was starving all the time xxx

ritz21 profile image

every baby is different - I gave tiny spoons of this and that puree to my baby girl post-4 months, she is 6 months now and still playing with food and mostly on milk (but she knows well what is to be eaten and have her own preferences etc)

The thumb rule however is if you give anything else than milk to the baby than give one thing at a time (if it is carrots boiled and pureed, than stick to carrots for the first 2-3 days) this way you will be sure that baby has accepted the thing and is not allergic to it.

So you can always try a new thing after every 2-3 days or give a mixture of already tested foods to develop different taste buds !

Hi. Guidelines say 6 months because physically that is when a baby is ready to eat. The 4 month weaning age came about because babies who were formula fed in the 50s/60s when formula was developed were not receiving the correct nutrition for development. People were encouraged to give their babies purees etc. This isn't necessary any more. However, saying that, if you feel your baby is ready then you must do what you want. My choice is to wean at 6 months but my friend is weaning her 4 mo now. If you start at 6 months you avoid purees and go straight in with solids so there is no spoon feeding involved. Like everything else to do with babies everyone has an opinion. ;) You are the mum and you know your baby better than any one else :)

Lillyella profile image

Not before 17 weeks. I'm a health visitor :)

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